Songs I’m not ashamed to admit I have MP3’s of: (with a nod to Nate)

  • Dead Man’s Party – Oingo Boingo (And you were thinking to yourself, “today will be the day I don’t have a random thought about ‘Weird Science’“.)
  • Leather & Lace – Stevie Nicks & Don Henley (reminds me of being 7.)
  • Overkill – Men at Work (reminds me of being 11.)
  • Turbo Lover – Judas Priest (reminds me of being at the 7-11.)
  • Adult Education – Hall & Oates (it’s a bad situation.)
  • Saved By Zero – The Fixx (I was a huge Fixx fan in the Day. Member of the Fixx Army.)
  • Love U More – Sunscreem (reminds me of being fucked up in college.)
  • Rico Suave – Gerardo (someday Gerardo will be dead, and you’ll be able to tell everyone, ‘I was listening to his work for years’.)
  • Welcome To The Pleasuredome – Frankie Goes To Hollywood (ahead of its time.)
  • Barely Breathing – Duncan Sheik (Lite© FM)
  • It’s Only Love – Bryan Adams & Tina Turner (no explanation here.)
  • Dr. Feelgood – Motley Crüe (yes, that’s Crue with a ü)
  • Kiss Me – Sixpence None The Richer (It’s pretty. Shut up.)

Almost as if in response to my question a few days ago, Salon published an article about Manhunter, the first movie made based on the Thomas Harris novels. I have to say I agree, although i haven’t seen Red Dragon yet. He does bring up a good point though—why remake it again?

Todd made a good point in reply to my Cash money post yesterday:

First are we certain John R. Cash still holds the rights to the song in question? Maybe we have a Michael-Jackson-owns-the-rights-to-The-Beatles scenario here.

Hmmm. My Amazon shopping cart (which has been up on blocks in my front yard, waiting for that Ford CobraJet with the 4-barrel carb) currently holds $38.46 in merchandise. I hover over the ‘Continue’ button, wanting to set the wheels of commerce in motion, but I hesitate. Better first to get paid.

Date posted: October 4, 2002 | Filed under money, music | Leave a Comment »

fell's point, 9.18

fell's point, 9.18

Credit Suisse First Boston, the scheduled underwriter for the IPO of a company I used to work for, is in big doo-doo for insider manipulation of stock ratings. D’oh! (I spent part of last night reading a copy of Fortune magazine from here at the office about white-collar crime.)

CNN just redesigned their site. Good or bad? Discuss.

Arrrrrrggghhh. I’m still trying to organize my drives with OSX, and it’s becoming a nightmare. Trying to organize all my files in one coherent place, and then having the paranoia that won’t let me throw anything away is a bad mixture. I’m attempting to burn copies of Stuffit archives onto PC discs (I don’t have a Mac burner currently) and then put them away. Meanwhile, juggling three different bootable drives is getting tedious, especially when fonts, programs, and files are all looking in certain places for things they need.

  1. I need a copy of Suitcase or ATM for OSX.
  2. I need a CD burner pronto.
  3. I need an OS how-to book badly.
Date posted: September 20, 2002 | Filed under apple, flickr, history, money | Leave a Comment »

John paid me last night, so I have some money right now. We’re getting half-paychecks and supposedly when the next set of checks come in, we’ll get a full one. Right. I’m now 5.5 paychecks behind. But there is a bunch of freelance coming in right now- Katie needs some print work, John is hot to get a bunch of stuff from me, and there’s some illustration work coming in as well.

$104 later, both the Scout and the Tortoise have a clean emissions bill of health. And I have found that the city of Baltimore has placed its vehicle emissions testing stations in strategically impossible areas to find.

I found again, after having read the How Much Is Inside? section about 2 years ago. This guy is a nut, but he’s funny as hell. Nate sends over this interesting link to Kick to the Groin Comics, a delightfully twisted series of humorous stories not unlike

Date posted: August 15, 2002 | Filed under humor, money | Leave a Comment »

Mike is making me jealous- his fancy Nikon takes much, much better macro pictures than my Kodak- one of the reasons I was interested in a digital camera in the first place.

I helped my neighbor Matt troubleshoot his network connections last night. The network people wired the wallplate connectors correct to the T568b standard, but then flipped all the wires at the box. Good to see I wasn’t the only one to make this mistake (although I didn’t do it on all of my wires.)

Damn the torpedoes, Full Speed Ahead Dept.: Even though this Thursday will make five paychecks promised but not delivered, I found a Scout in Annapolis this morning that sounds like it’s in good shape. I put an email in to the seller and I’m going to follow up with a phonecall in an hour or so. What the hell am I doing?
Update: She wants $2700 for it. With engine issues. Erick says the body is rough, and would need to have all fenders and quarters pulled. Hmmph.

Well, the teaching gig I was looking into did not work out. There just wasn’t enough time to absorb the curriculum before start of classes, and the schedule could have been tricky as well. I’m disappointed but hopeful that something will come of it in the future.

Stumbling around today, I found this link back to the Cluetrain Manifesto, something I had looked at a while back but forgot about, from Doc Searls’ site. Which leads me to Corante, an interesting newsfeed for tech info.

→ This is a syndicated post from my Scout weblog. More info here.

Date posted: August 13, 2002 | Filed under flickr, money, Scout | Leave a Comment »

Totally down on work yesterday, right at the very end. Thanks, Russell. I stayed at my studio class for an hour and a half, and then left, completely unable to focus. I came home and did a bunch of research into illustration listings online and some new materials.

The news is better today; apparently we have a big-ass contract coming in to sign, which means an end to the monetary woes and hopefully a return to timely paychecks (as well as catching up on those that are owed.) All praise the money gods. Until then, I am still leveraging savings to keep the wolves at bay.

So when all this comes down, I have to make the move to OSX on the Powerbook here. Roughly $300 will get me an expansion-bay CD-burner and a copy of OSX, which I need to back this thing up and then burn to the drive. OR, I could just buy a 40GB drive and an internal expansion bay case; there’s also a bus-powered FireWire enclosure from OWC for cheaper, and it looks sexier too. Overall, it should be about $300 to do what I need.

Date posted: August 7, 2002 | Filed under apple, life, money | Leave a Comment »

Well, the stuff I sold on eBay went for a combined total of $110. The RAM went for $70 and the power supply went for $40, so that will help pay off the PowerBook pretty well. I’m now trying to figure out what else I can sell to get it out of the house. I looked at some auctions of 8500’s and found that some are going for $150 or so, but others are sitting. I think it has to do with the RAM, hard drive, and some of them have a lot of old software still installed. But the one linked above is almost the same thing as the one I have, and it went for $208. I think I’m going to bring it north this weekend and get rid of it…

Mark Simonson Builds some very beautiful fonts.

Date posted: April 1, 2002 | Filed under art/design, money | Leave a Comment »

This past Friday marked the year anniversary of my writing in this log, and I have to say, I’m proud of the fact that I’ve kept with it this long.

Instant Palm Desktop 2.6.3 is crap. Oh, and so is NT Server. Oh, and so is DAVE when you’re trying to copy something to a Win box over 50K. On a happier front, I was able to find and buy a 100MB Zip expansion bay drive for Scout for $45 new from the dealer; on sale and with 10% off, free UPS shipping. Sweet! No cables, no power supply, no other bull, just what I want.

Elsewhere, I’m sending my electronic vibes out over the airwaves: Sell, dammit! Sell!

Date posted: March 25, 2002 | Filed under geek, money | Leave a Comment »

Seen today on a car driving up to work: a bumper sticker reading, “I was born OK the first time.” Ha-ha. This article is pretty funny about Miss Cleo. Call me now for your free readin’.

I missed the second PowerBook auction yesterday, but there’s one for a newer 400mhz Pismo ending tomorrow at about 3pm. I’m going to try for this one to see if I can win it, and I think I might go as high as about $650 or so. There’s also an iMac going for about $170 right now that ends at 3; it’s a first-generation, but it could be decent. I think I’m going to go as high as $250 and we’ll see if we win that one.

We had the Greycube meeting the other night and talked out what we’re doing/where stuff is right now; it looks like we might have a payout of $1-2K apiece, which would be fantastic at this time. If I could put that into the bank and then save on top of it, I would be a lot more comfortable right now instead of worrying so much about money. It’s been tough to save money the past two months after a run of spending cash since the Cidera days; wanting toys or stuff for the house and not being able to afford it has been difficult, but tolerable. I’m actually, while thinking about it right now, veering towards buying that iMac outright off eBay for $200 or so just to have an inexpensive Mac to use, and deal with buying an iBook later on.

Stuff to take care of Price Time Frame
Paint for living room
Brake work for the Scout
Buying the Scout
Shelves for living room
end of february
Early March
March? Possible Birthday present?
Date posted: February 16, 2002 | Filed under apple, geek, money | Leave a Comment »

Note to automotive product designers: make the stuff easier to use. I had to bust out the Leatherman and actually saw the windshield wiper off the metal arm to get it off the car. Turns out it was just a small, invisible retainer clip that i had to stab underneath the arm to get it to release. (yeah, you figure it out in 40-degree driving rain, smartass.) Now that it’s replaced with two shiny new Anco blades, I can’t wait for it to rain.

Looking forward to an evening of TV, the cats, and a cold Anchor Steam or two. Seems like Jen and I have been constantly on the move for the past two or three weeks.
I was able to get link lights and working signals from all the ethernet cabling except for the living room; once that’s done tonight I’m going to attempt to move the DSL modem and the Barricade router downstairs and install them permanently. After the holidays I’ll go back to IKEA and buy the little metal cart I want for a server rack, but right now a pair of old homemade speakers will do just fine, thanks.

So, after the holidays, the list looks like this:

  1. Oil change for the Tortoise – $40
  2. Fancy server rack from IKEA – $40
  3. Save $3,000 for the Wyoming Scout.
  4. More blank CD’s – $20
  5. CD cases- 1 for Rob and one for me – $20

I think, if I can save up over $1,500 by the end of February, I’ll reward myself with a $200 digital camera.

Date posted: December 13, 2001 | Filed under cars, house, list, money | Leave a Comment »

Another sort of dull day; not a whole lot going on. I saw the Mead 1999 Annual Report show today- the rep came around with all the entrants lined up around the table, and brought pizza. Some fantastic work. Beautiful annual reports that must have cost a fortune to make.

Well, here goes: I’m writing out a check to T.Rowe Price for my IRA this year, after losing half my paper value since January. Makes me want to puke, really. As much as I hate thinking about throwing good money after bad, it’s not like I’ve lost any money, just my valuation on paper. Still, it’s depressing to see the valuation dropping that much.

On the positive side, I saw a guy driving a beautiful early-model 1210 Travelall to work this morning. Teal green, split grille, funky split arrow brake lights, no panels, and lifted about 4″. I want one bad, now. It’s the kind of truck where it could look very cool or very stupid, depending on what size tires you have on it and how it’s lifted.

Date posted: April 10, 2001 | Filed under general, money | Leave a Comment »