
Meh. About 40 or so kids this year, but not a steady stream. One group of about 30 fought to get up our stairs, get candy, and get back down all at the same time. The house looked friendly, though.

Date posted: October 31, 2006 | Filed under house | Comments Off on Boo-ha-ha

…is the sound of pigs flying. Your humble correspondent visited the gym this afternoon.

Date posted: October 30, 2006 | Filed under humor | 1 Comment »

Diner, take two

Jen’s been away for the past three days, helping her father out (the Word is: he’s fine; everything went smoothly) so I’ve been bachelorizing it here at the Lockardugan Estates. Without her moderating influence, I’ve been staying up and getting up later, working longer, eating whatever’s easy to make and generally not taking care of myself. Today I decided to get out of here for lunch, and ventured out to the Forest Diner for a burger.

The Forest Diner sits across from what used to be the Enchanted Forest, a family owned amusement park that closed years ago. In its place somebody put a Safeway, and at some point the local Diner Conglomerate dropped one of its ugly concrete boxes next to the railcar-original Forest in an attempt to take over the turf. The plucky little diner has held on, however, and they continue to make decent food in a clean, retro atmosphere. The menu may not be as huge, the available seating not as spacious, but the Forest is my favorite place to get a quiet cup of coffee and read the paper.

Date posted: October 27, 2006 | Filed under life | Comments Off on Time Out for the Diner

Make sure your vote is counted. Register for an absentee ballot (Maryland) today and make sure you return it before the due date. With all the bullshit surrounding Deibold touchscreens and reports of fraud, this election counts more than ever.

Date posted: October 26, 2006 | Filed under politics, shortlinks | Comments Off on Maryland Absentee Ballots

Here’s a list of Firefox 2.0 tweaks. I have yet to update, personally, but it’s going to be soon.

Date posted: October 26, 2006 | Filed under design, shortlinks | Comments Off on Firefox 2.0 Tweaks

So, the electricians are back downstairs, running wires, cutting holes, and troubleshooting the nightmare of our electric service. The kitchen lights are in (w00t!), a major triumph, and the living room baseboard is going in as we speak. However, the $10 deep-discount hanging lights we bought for the dining room turned out to be 40-watt duds which only take mini bulbs. So they’re going to put in a single worklight over the table on a new dimmer and I’ll replace it with a chandelier when we actually find something we like.

Pictures of my kitchen cieling to follow.

Date posted: October 24, 2006 | Filed under house | Comments Off on Lights, Camera…Shit, The House Is A Mess

Apple quietly updated the MacBook Pro today. 3GB total RAM, faster processors, larger standard hard drive (120GB), FireWire 800 and the Core 2 Duo. I’m glad I haven’t had the money to buy one yet.

Date posted: October 24, 2006 | Filed under apple | Comments Off on MacBook Pro Updated.

Powers, a very good comic book, is available online. One page is posted daily. Check it out…

Date posted: October 23, 2006 | Filed under design, shortlinks | Comments Off on Powers Daily

Beer and Oysters

Six years ago, Jen invited me down to the County to attend the Oyster Festival with her family. I underestimated the travel time and arrived late (not a good first impression) but attempted to make up for it by trying raw oysters for the first time to impress both Jen and her mother ( I still don’t know if I was successful, but we’re married, at least.)

Saturday we took Jen’s father for his first time, and while we didn’t get him to try the oysters, we did enjoy some St. Mary’s stuffed ham, funnel cake, and Sam Adams Octoberfest on a warm, sunny autumn day. What could be better?

Date posted: October 23, 2006 | Filed under family | 2 Comments »

Wow, right on, man.

Date posted: October 21, 2006 | Filed under politics, shortlinks | Comments Off on Pat Tillman, RIP