Sunday afternoon, I rented an edging sander and worked my way around the porch.


Sanded floor 1


Edged floor 1

Using an edger is like wrestling a greased pig while trying to thread a needle. One must be very careful with the machine, as it will take off a quarter-inch of wood in only a few seconds. My forearms, knees, and lower back sound like the audience of the Jerry Springer Show this morning.

Sanded floor 2

Edged floor 2

Returning the sander last evening, I lucked into a clearance sale on 1″x6″x10′ board—something I’ve never seen before—and bought all of the baseboard wood for half the normal price. I think I may be going back today to get more for the den.

Date posted: August 25, 2008 | Filed under porch | 1 Comment »

We interrupt your regularly scheduled weblog for a day of floor sanding. More to come at 5.


Sanded floor 2


Door installed

Here’s a shot of the other side. That black line in the middle is where the original porch ended back in 1920-whatever, and where they just tacked a few pieces of wood in place to match up with the new addition. I have no idea what we’re going to do about that part yet.

Sanded floor 1

Date posted: August 19, 2008 | Filed under porch | 1 Comment »


Date posted: August 9, 2008 | Filed under house, porch | Comments Off on New Molding.

Windows, Day 2

Could I be happier? No, I don’t think I could be.

ghetto windows

Outside After

Date posted: July 31, 2008 | Filed under house, porch | 4 Comments »

Window 1

This is what happens when you hire professionals to work on your house: shit gets done right. We are HAPPY.

Date posted: July 30, 2008 | Filed under house, porch | 2 Comments »

Remember when we were kids, and we’d play games out in the street or in someone’s backyard, and we’d call a do-over? Somebody’d kick the ball into a bush, or a car would come down the road right in the middle of an important play, and it was universally understood that things would just rewind a couple of minutes and start again, like erasing a videotape. Well, I’d like a do-over for most of yesterday, please.

It started out on an upbeat note; Mr. Scout brought over the window regulator for the Jeep and we tore the door down to put it in; unfortunately, the part was not a match to the one in my Jeep, and there seemed to be no way to use parts from the replacement to fix the broken unit.

We then decided to take advantage of the weather and go back to the pick & pull yard to hunt more Jeeps. It seems that parts (and part vehicles) are more plentiful for Grand Cherokees than for the regular model, both online and in the junkyard, and my particular model (2-door, second generation, power window) is even rarer than the 4-door. We did however find a junked PT Cruiser, which featured luxurious bucket seats that are supposed to be bolt-in replacements for Scout seats. Eight bolts later, we were walking up to the pay area with the seats on our heads, but not before making a detour to a section of the yard we hadn’t seen before, featuring some ancient Detroit iron: a three-porthole Buick, a rounded early 50’s Ford, and a pair of Opels, among other things. I shot about ten pictures, and we were on our way. As we got up to the counter, the redneck in charge of shoplifting told me they have a strict no-camera policy, and made me erase my memory card after giving me some bullshit about smashing lenses.

Returning to the Scout we’d found last week, we pulled a lot of plastic and other rare parts, having no luck pulling the hubs or the seat bases. It was about this time I checked my phone and found this lovely sight:

broken iPhone

I don’t know when or how it happened, but it was enough to ruin my day right there. Strangely, I can still call in and out, and the touchscreen still works on the damaged areas. I’m going to visit the Apple store to see if there’s some kind of repair they can make; if not, it looks like I’ll be purchasing a 3G iPhone earlier than I planned.

My afternoon was spent working on an illustration; I decided to experiment with an idea I’d had a few months ago to see what results I’d get, using the negative space instead of the positive. The results were a lot less than I’d hoped for.

The linework looks cheaper, like a quick marker drawing, and not expressive like I’d imagined. It also could be because I’ve been having problems getting my cutting nibs to vary line weights properly—they seem to get dull very quickly, which is not what I’m used to. If I could regulate line weight better, I’d be happier with the results.

I took the same sketch and started making a traditional cut, and about three-quarters of the way through I realized the initial sketch, while reasonably good, did not capture McCain the way it should, and the resulting piece looks like someone else (Jen says it’s Ed McMahon). His head is not as long as I’d made it here, and his distinguishing features aren’t represented well enough.

There were several highlights from yesterday, so it’s not like I was constantly followed by a black stormcloud: we have Andersen 400-series windows officially on order for the front porch. Jen had a great client meeting on a new project, and we got our second delivery from the organic farm (I don’t know how we’re going to eat all this lettuce, chard, and spinach). I was just hoping to produce a success of my own, something I’m sure everyone can understand.

So it’s back to the drawing board for Jeep, phone, and scratchboard.

Update: One trip to the Apple Store, my choices were thus:

1. Continue to use the busted phone and guess at everything on the left side of the screen.

2. Wait until July and buy a new 3G iPhone for $200, but take an additional $10/mo. hit on my data plan.

3. Spend $250 to replace my iPhone with another 1st gen model.

I chose 3, because I’d love to have the 3G but I don’t want to pay AT&T an additional $120/mo. for features I may not even use. As it was, when the Genius rang me out, he told me happily they’d just reduced the replacement cost from $250 to $199, so I “saved” a little more money.

Upon inspection of the iPhone cases available at the store, only a select few might have protected my phone from catastrophic screen damage, and they tended to be the ugliest offerings on the shelf. (Imitation calfskin? stitched black leather? I don’t think so).

Date posted: June 13, 2008 | Filed under art/design, general, life, photography, porch | 2 Comments »


This is what an hour’s work with a crowbar and a David Sedaris CD will result in; much of the floor here is in great shape, which makes me wonder why the ever covered it in the first place.

Date posted: June 6, 2008 | Filed under house, porch | 3 Comments »

Damn. I just got a quote from Renewal by Andersen which included custom-built new windows, installation, and warranty. The cost of one of their windows was more than all six of the off-the-shelf windows I was originally considering, and three times the amount of the windows we picked out on Tuesday. The entire bill was enough to make me dizzy.

Date posted: May 30, 2008 | Filed under house, porch | Comments Off on File Under: No Thank You.

My original intent, when I began the front porch renovation, was to keep the costs low by using off-the-shelf materials to replace the crap I was tearing out. I’d looked at stuff at the local superstores and found inexpensive candidates, but I knew I’d have to special-order certain things (windows) because nothing in this house is standard size.

With that in mind, I’ve been hemming and hawing over the replacement windows for weeks now, unsure of my plans. The window openings on the porch were all framed in by drunks, so their heights all vary by as much as an inch, and the horizontal level is off by at least a half-inch. In order to figure out what I was going to do (and what shape the framing was in), I pulled all three of the front-facing jalousie windows out on Monday to see what I was dealing with. The base of the frame on the far right was in terrible shape, and I had to pull the entire thing out in order to see what I was dealing with. For a temporary fix, I cut sheets of plywood down and nailed them up until we got our new windows delivered.

ghetto windows

Aaaaaaand, here’s where things go south.

Returning to Lowe’s Tuesday with my 10% off coupon, Jen and I looked at the off-the-shelf offerings, and she helped me realize how shitty they look. The mullions (crossbars on the top window) were inside the glass, which looks funny from the outside, and the entire window is covered with a screen, which is ugly. After some discussion, we got a quote for better quality replacement windows which turned out to be about three times as much as I was originally expecting—not what I was hoping for. With the coupon and a firm quote I figure it will go down to about twice my original budget, but this is still putting a major dent in our plans. I’ve got a couple calls in to the better window companies to see what decent replacement windows will cost; I’m not expecting miracles but I’m hoping for one. The hard part will be getting a quote for the windows minus installation fees; I’m pretty sure that’s where their markup lives.

Meanwhile, eating our breakfast in the upstairs bedroom has gotten more exciting due to the looks of shock and awe of the passers-by as they crane their necks trying to figure out what happened to the front of the house.

new cherries!

Outside, we wrapped a couple of branches of the cherry trees so that we might be able to enjoy some of the fruit this spring. With the exception of the Year of the Locust (when plentiful, if earthy-flavored food was burrowing out of the ground all summer), the birds have cleaned out all of the ripening red cherries before we’ve been able to taste it. The grape arbor also got wrapped on Monday to keep the bunches protected for the season (and to keep the vines off the stairwell).

* * *

In other strange news, I had a dream last night where I was asked by Daft Punk to sit in on one of their concerts. I knew all the parts to the songs, but the “instrument” they stood me in front of was like no other I had ever seen, and made no sense. They got pissed at me when I couldn’t figure out how to play it (it was like a vibraphone stood on its side, with lots of added glowing sampler buttons that made no sense), yelled at me in French, and kicked me off the stage. I was so psyched to put on a helmet and a jumpsuit and rock out, too.

Date posted: May 29, 2008 | Filed under garden, house, porch | Comments Off on This is How We Renovate…In the Ghetto.

It’s been quiet around here lately. I don’t have anything really exciting to tell you about, so I’ll show some pictures.

Sod off

This is a thrilling picture of our side lawn. Notice the patch of slightly darker grass near the garden planter? That’s where our ghetto sidewalk used to be. Jen gave me the all-clear to knock it apart and pull the concrete up a few weeks ago, and we were just now able to find some sod to drop in its place. Who knew sod was hard to find? Apparently it gets delivered right before the weekend and sells out almost immediately. We bought a bunch on a cold Thursday night, and I put it in on a rainy Sunday morning, just in time for a week of cold rain to help it grow.

Wire in place

This is a picture of the new wiring in the shared bathroom wall. I spent a good portion of Sunday running up and down the basement stairs, elbow-deep in insulation, trying to fish wire through small holes in the floor. After a half-hour of false starts, I realized that Ma Bell had already blazed a clear trail for me, and replaced two thick Eisenhower-era cable runs with new copper. I was actually able to get two cable and two data lines run before I ran out, which means there’s 800+ feet of ethernet wire fished throughout this house.

Looking at the picture above, you’d think I would have used the handcart Dave left for me in the Big Red Truck to move the sink and radiator out of the bathroom and into the garage. That would have been the smart thing to do. I’m not so smart, so there they sit. Thanks anyway, Dave!

Behind all that heavy porcelain is the exam room, which is now finally devoid of blown fiberglas insulation, a task I was avoiding until I realized it was eventually going to get hot again, and if there’s anything worse than bagging up loose fiberglas insulation, it’s bagging insulation in 90° heat. (I’ve done it, and don’t care to ever do it again.)

Insulation in place

I then installed a bunch of insulation in the east wall after the cable went in. Finally, I disassembled one of the beautiful jalousie windows on the front of the house to see how difficult their removal will be; after ten minutes with a flathead screwdriver, I had one ready to push out onto the front lawn. In the next few days, I’m going to order six new windows for the front of the house and get things ready for installation.

Date posted: May 20, 2008 | Filed under porch | 4 Comments »