I have an irrational love for old utilitarian vehicles, and when I saw this Wagoneer parked in Federal Hill this morning (I was freezing my ass off shooting pictures for a magazine ad) I had to stop and snap a few.


Styled by Brooks Stevens, a noted industrial designer, The original Cherokee was the longest continuous automotive production run, on the same platform, in US automotive history (1963-1991).


It’s also one of the last vehicles sold new in the United States with a carbureted engine. Here’s a link to the Wikipedia entry, if you’re interested. Our good friends R&K have a late 80’s model in almost mint condition (with woodgrain trim, naturally) that I love to listen to when it’s running.


Anytime I see a truck of this vintage, in this kind of condition, I stop to shoot pictures as quickly as I can. This truck is almost cherry and deserves to get out of the salt before it oxidizes into a pile of dust.


In the meantime, my heart flutters with love.

Date posted: February 24, 2011 | Filed under cars, flickr | 1 Comment »

One Response to Orange You Glad You Took A Picture.

  1. John A. Terpack II says:

    I have owned three Cherokees and one Wagoneer. They are by far the most phenomenal SUVs ever built. Here’s another bit of trivia about them; Jeep was the first to coin “sport utility vehicle” in its advertising for these vehicles.