This is the result of another five hours spent on the front porch yesterday. Half the ceiling is gone. The drywall around the front doorway is down, and there are twenty contractor’s bags full of blown fiberglas insulation waiting to go out on the truck.
I’m taking a break today, because my ass is kicked.
Looking in towards the bathroom. All the drywall is down, and the studs between the bathroom and the front room are completely gone.
Looking towards the front door from the far corner. There’s only a short section of drywall on the walls left to remove, and then the ceiling comes down. Have I mentioned how much I hate blown fiberglas insulation?
I’ve hauled, at a conservative estimate, a ton of debris with Clifford (If the two truckloads I hauled with Mr. Scout equalled 3/4 ton, the three truckloads I moved on Friday and Saturday have to be at least a ton) and for his continued indulgence I have to say THANK YOU, DAVE.
Last night I was out in the office until 10PM demolishing everything I could see. The good news is that there’s pretty pine flooring under the carpet all the way from the bathroom to the front door. The bad news is that I have at least two truckloads of debris to haul out, and it’s supposed to rain today and tomorrow.
Your tax dollars at work: U.S. Funded Health Search Engine Blocks ‘Abortion’ as a search term. I used to work for a sister organization of the School of Public Health, and a more dedicated, passionate group of people I have never met. I’d bet a few people have resigned over this idiotic decision.
My dad lent me his Milwaukee sawzall for my demolition project, and I used it for the first time this evening. Like butter. I worked with a very skilled carpenter, and she swore by Milwaukee tools. I will be buying this brand from now on.
This is a shot of the old office, looking into the bathroom and through to the exam room beyond. There was green carpeting, then padding, then lots of tiles (stacked on the floor) that came up with a crowbar. Dark reddish paneling covered the walls. And see the framing for the wall between the bathroom? That came after the floor was put down, which means this whole area was one open space at some point. This house gets more and more confusing as I pull away at the edges.
You’re no longer being compared to shellfish, which is great news. You’ve gotten a little bigger this week, and you’re making your mother’s life easier in small increments. She’s able to move around a lot more and not want to throw up all over herself. She even took you to Trader Joe’s to buy cereal on Monday, the first time she’s been in a grocery store since January. So I’m celebrating your progress!
Of course, may things are still off-limits; certain foods, smells, and words—which is why I have to sneak a beer in the office while she’s laying down in the bedroom. I’m still trying to feed the three of us as best I can, and I have to thank your mother for being understanding of the fact that I’ve exhausted all three of my dinner ideas. Mommy has strong kitchen-fu, but mine is weak, strictly subsistence-level preparation: I will toast bread, while your mother will actually bake it from scratch. So be prepared for lots of mac ‘n cheese when Daddy is in charge of dinner.
It seems like everyone we talk to is knocked up too, so you’ll be in good company. The count is up to eight as of today. Since we broke the big news among our family and friends, we’ve had tons of support and advice, as well as generous offers of furniture and clothing—something that reminds me how lucky we are. Our CPA actually jumped up and down. clapping her hands, when we told her yesterday. It didn’t help us on our taxes, but that’s not our CPA’s fault.