I’m going to look at a Scout in the city this afternoon. From what I hear, it’s pretty rusty—but it’s a 1980, which means it was galvanized at the factory and (most likely) Ziebarted. It’s also a diesel with A/C. I don’t know where I’d put it, how I’d afford it (them checks still aren’t rolling in) or how I’d even get it to the house, but I’m going to look at it.

update: If there ever was a Scout in worse shape than mine, this was it. Basically, I could salvage the axles (Dana 44’s) and the transfer case (Dana 300), the transmission (possibly a B/W T-19), the rollbar, possibly the engine, the A/C unit and ductwork, and the tailgate. If I had a garage to part it out, which I don’t. Other than that, it’s a basket case.

Date posted: January 26, 2006 | Filed under humor | Comments Off on Uh-Oh.

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