I pulled into the driveway last night to find the tent I’d put up over the Scout upside-down, wrapped around the corner of the house due to the high winds. I put on some gloves and a hat and straightened it out, but found that two of the poles got bent all to hell and some of the grommets pulled out of the canvas. I’m going to have to anchor the thing down further with some sandbags and tent stakes, especially now that the trees have all lost their leaves. Obviously this is a temporary situation, and we’ll have to switch to Plan B. When I determine what Plan B is, I’ll bore you with it here.

Then I went upstairs and put some candles in each of the front windows to get some christmas frickin’ spirit up in this be-yatch. The house looks a heck of a lot friendlier and I’m considering leaving them in there year-round. (Our house needs all the friendly it can get.) Tonight, in a further attempt to get into the spirit of Christmas, we’re meeting my best man and his wife in the city to watch the lighting of the Washington Monument and catch a drink or two; I’m looking forward to seeing them and taking some pictures.

True love.

Jen: If you ever buy me anything from a store calling itself “a galleria of jewelry“, I will divorce you.
Me: Duly noted.

→ This is a syndicated post from my Scout weblog. More info here.

Date posted: December 2, 2004 | Filed under friends, humor, Scout | Leave a Comment »

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