ring, 5.21.03

ring, 5.21.03

Update: Here is a link to some pictures from our trip.

It’s Official. Last Sunday (the 18th), I took Jen to the airport, where we boarded a plane bound for Charlotte. Originally, the destination was a secret, but after the dipshit ticketing lady asked Jen three times if she was going to Savannah, I broke down and gave her a copy of Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil for the plane ride. Switching planes, We landed that afternoon in a light rain and took a taxi to our bed and breakfast, the Eliza Thompson House, which sits squarely in the middle of the city’s historic district. Exhausted from our travelling (and the bum-rush through the Charlotte terminal to our second plane), we were content to turn on cable and lay in bed. Until the thunderstorm came and began knocking out the power. (at one point, during the Simpsons, the power went out for a minute, then came back up as Krusty the Clown said, “Ugggghh… that’s better,” and then went out for good.) We walked down to the parlor where candles had been lit and enjoyed our after-dinner coffee and dessert with the other guests.

The next morning, we put on our walking shoes and had a light breakfast in the courtyard of the hotel. Then, we set out into the city to explore the sights. Savannah’s historic district is laid out in a grid, with picturesque squares in repeating patterns throughout. We wandered through the damp streets, stopping in the cemetery to shoot pictures of the Revolutionary War-era headstones. In the downtown district, we stopped and took pictures of lots of architectural and typographical subjects (the geek designers in us coming out. Who else has a whole series of digital pictures of the old Woolworth’s tiled floor entrance, “Because we liked the typeface?” That would be us.) as well as the riverfront and cotton exchange. After lunch we met up with a tour guide to look at the gardens in the city, and then changed for dinner.

The 17 Hundred and 90 is a ground-level restaurant in the foot of another inn, and it is furnished in early-american style with captain’s chairs on a hard stone floor. (caution: the number for this restaurant is misprinted in the Fodor’s guide and will ring at Il Pasticcio.) We were seated in front of the piano player, who cheesed the appetizer up with a dual piano-synthesizer attack. Dinner was started with oysters Rockefeller and a bottle of Cabernet and got better from there. After the main course was served, the piano player calmed down and moved into standards, playing a selection of Porter and Gerswhin (we requested Someone To Watch Over Me) and the room got fuller and quieter.

After dessert, we strolled back towards the hotel through the foggy city, enjoying the quiet cozy atmosphere. As we got to the center of Madison square, I stopped Jen and asked her if she loved me. After telling me she did, she asked me what I was asking her. I got down on my knee and pulled the ring from my pocket, and asked her to be my wife. Giggling, she said yes, and we held each other long and tight. As I slipped the ring on her finger, the church bells struck ten, and we just about skipped back to the hotel.

The next day we awoke to sunny skies, in spite of the weather channel, which was claiming it would rain all week. A delicious pecan waffle at Clary’s was followed by a second day of exploring, where we stopped to take pictures of Madison square and collect four-leaf clover from the garden under the statue to press in the book. (Good luck charms never hurt.) We then realized the guy on the statue was being depicted in the midst of his heroic death attempting to rescue the regimental flag during the Revolutionary War. Romantic choice, Bill. Continuing southward, we followed the Fodor’s guide through a tour of the sites from the novel, and strolled through Forsyth park to the fountain.

That evening, we made reservations at the Pink House, and arrived early for a drink in the tavern in the basement, where a sweating Tony Siragusa lookalike twinkled another piano. Upstairs in the mansion, we were seated next to a magnificent fireplace in the southern room, where we dined on grouper stuffed with crab and a twin lobster tail in a sherry wine and cream sauce. We sat for a half hour and reviewed the day, reminding ourselves that we were engaged. Following dinner was a slice of Jack Daniels pecan pie and a flourless chocolate torte with coffee.

Early for our ghost tour, we returned to the tavern for a glass of Bailey’s over ice and enjoyed the fire in the corner. Gathering in Reynolds Square with four other couples, we followed the guide, an excitable lad named Sam, on a half-baked tour through the northeast section of town. Sam fancied himself a paranormal investigator and decided to orate on the different classes of hauntings, which was dull and boring, but he did have a bizarre lecture style which involved holding his right hand in front of him like a claw (and making Jen and I laugh.) Because we ended the tour right back in front of the Pink House (which was one of the haunted sites on the tour), we stopped in the tavern for another drink before returning home. There we met a really nice guy named Mike, agreeing that Omar Sharif in Doctor Zhivago was a tall drink of water, and talking about the city. He also got to be the first person we told about our engagement. Thanks for the good wishes, Mike.

Wednesday’s flight was scheduled for the early afternoon, so we packed our things and walked down Jones street to Mrs. Wilkes’ for lunch, where the good people of Savannah line up outside to wait for a table to open up. The food is served boarding house style, with twelve people at a table passing bowls of low-country Southern food around to each other. Jen was in a blissful state, reliving childhood with each bite of fried chicken, black-eyed peas, collard greens, macaroni and cheese, butter beans, biscuits (with sorghum), and sweet iced tea. I’m not listing everything here, but I couldn’t find enough room on my plate to fit everything, and it was all so good I filled up quickly. For dessert, they brought a choice of either peaches and cream or banana cream pie, and we found room to fit it.

On our way out, we bought the cookbook and grudgingly made our way back to the hotel to wait for our cab. As we dorve out of the city, we held hands in the back seat and reflected on our stay in the city, one of the best vacations I’ve ever had, and one of the most romantic places I can think of.

Note: This account was delayed a week to preserve the element of surprise for our families, who we told this weekend. Many thanks go to the good people of Savannah, the ladies at Heirloom Jewelry, and all our friends who kept the secret quiet (“I can tell you when we’re leaving, but not where or what we’re doing.”) Pictures will be posted directly.

Date posted: May 27, 2003 | Filed under history, travel, Trip Logs | Leave a Comment »

So I was looking through some weblogs on my lunchbreak and stumbled over a fansite for a Canadian band I always loved back in the day, one my buddy Pat turned me on to our freshman year of college: The Pursuit Of Happiness. There’s a ton of info on there about Moe and the gals; even better, there’s an MP3 archive of live shows from the mid-90’s. Interesting trivia: right after producing the beautiful Skylarking with XTC, Todd Rundgren was paired up with TPOH to produce Love Junk—two of my favorite albums.

Salon has an article on the new Matrix sequels and the change in atmosphere since the first movie was released, back in 1999. Yeah, I’d have to say things are much different now.

Cleansing, Part Two: One of the drawbacks to owning a house in the city is the hassle of parking your car two blocks away from your house. Growing up in the ‘burbs, we were always blessed with houses where the driveways were long and wide, and you could leave your car wide open with the radio on for the afternoon while you emptied the back seat of all the fast-food wrappers, gym socks, and soda cans you had been lugging around. Nowadays, by the time I get home, the last thing I want to do is pull up out in front of the house and clean out the Tortoise. Therefore, the trunk of my car has resembled the floor of a crack den. Today I backed up to the Dumpster behind my office and took ten minutes to sort through the debris:

  • Fifteen bungie cords, in various conditions
  • Two teal bath towels inherited from my Mom, used to clean car parts
  • Two homemade speaker cabinets with 6×9 Infinity drivers pinched from a repo car in ’88 (dumped)
  • Various cans of car-resuscitation fluid (starter, brake, oil, etc.)
  • Several sheets of paper from the MVA warning me that my car is suspended for a broken taillight (gotta get that worked out.)
  • One fire extinguisher reading “empty”; it lied, ’cause that white stuff shot about twenty feet
  • One rusty, broken umbrella (dumped)
  • Two Slim Jims—not the food-product kind, the Grand Theft Auto kind (hidden)
  • One plastic go-cup (dumped)
  • A fleece blanket from Mom, for the day when the car plunges off a snowy cliff and I am pinned in the wreckage; nevermind that it will be locked in the trunk
  • The plastic safety panel from the top of my radiator
  • Two ancient highway flares, dangerous and waiting to burst into flame directly over my gas tank
  • A $12 set of standard Popular Mechanics ratchets (like I’m gonna leave the Snap-Ons in the trunk, are you kidding?)
Date posted: May 6, 2003 | Filed under cars, history, music | Leave a Comment »

Last night I went through my four-drawer file cabinet in the basement. Exciting, right? Well, if you’re anything like me, you keep the most bizarre epherma for the most inane reasons imaginable. And that tendency seems to get worse if it has anything to do with art or technology. You can learn a lot about me by what I threw away this morning:

  • Two spare Mac disk drives
  • A copy of Adobe Illustrator 5.5 on floppy disk
  • The original 700 MB disk from my 7100
  • Roughly 200 blank and filled 3.5MB floppy disks
  • ATM reciepts from 1995, 1996, and 1997 (separated by year in envelopes)
  • 15 issues of MacWorld from 1999-2001
  • An LP of Donny Osmond’s Disco Train
  • An LP of XTC’s Skylarking
  • 50+ assorted B/W prints from college (embarassing, mostly)
  • Five linoleum cuts dating back to college
  • Three years of collected illustration clippings (other folks’, as reference)
  • Four 500MB external SCSI hard drives (going to Goodwill)
  • One SCSI scanner (also going to Goodwill)
  • 20+ RAM chips, totaling about 10MB, dating back to my Mac IIcx
  • Assorted illustration, design, and web client files from 1997-2000
  • 20+ Print sample books from three years ago
  • A copy of WordPerfect for the Mac, version 2.0, from 1994 (four floppies)
  • Two boxes filled with business cards from jobs I had in 1996 and 1999

Naturally, because I am a geek, I backed up all the floppies that had good stuff on them to CD before I pitched them. I found copies of the promos I built in 1996 to get illustration work, funny sound samples from my sister, old writing from a class I took at Hopkins in 1997, and about a billion different extentions, updaters, and utilities.

Date posted: April 28, 2003 | Filed under geek, history | Leave a Comment »

So I’ve been using X-acto knives since I was about fourteen or so. My Dad got me into balsa wood airplanes by giving me a Spad biplane kit, his fifties vintage X-acto set and a stern lecture on how to handle knives—this was not long after slicing my thumb open with a dull Swiss Army knife attempting to earn a merit badge for the Cub Scouts. I’ve cut thousands of sheets of paper, probably been through at least five 100-count boxes of replacement blades, and made four airplanes since that hot July afternoon in 1985. So you would think I’d know not to stick myself with a number 10 blade as deeply and as quickly as I did this morning. Apply pressure, jump in the car, sign in to the ER and wait. After a few shots of Lidocaine, the young attending sewed up the wide gash with five deft stitches, gave me a pressure bandage, and stuck me with a tetanus shot in the arm.

If I think real hard, I can count a few recent stitches for a crooked laceration on my knee, some in the back of my head when I was six and fell on the big rock in the backyard, and some for a deep cut on my elbow. I don’t count all the times I should have been stitched up—the wide gash under my eye from crashing into my friend Steve playing volleyball (we were seventeen, sucking down beers at my friend Jon’s house on the back lawn, his mom was in Israel, and we had three days of co-ed summer bliss ahead—there was NO way I was screwing that up); the long, deep gash on my forearm from sliding my bike down a wet crosswalk on the way to work in ’95; and several puncture wounds during the long summer years of contracting after college. Tetanus? Feh.

Huh. I just realized that I posted the same picture twice. Sorry folks.

Date posted: April 22, 2003 | Filed under history | Leave a Comment »

I’m listening to a bunch of interesting new (to me) music these past couple of days: Sigur Ros, Low, and The Beta Band. Todd also brought in a copy of Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables, which I haven’t heard in a looooong time. Good to git some old punk on for sure.

Tonight I was able to use the compound miter saw my sister gave me for Christmas for the first time to build the first of many picture frames I have planned. Oh, Mother of God, it is a holy thing. The cuts are clean, sharp, and precise. The angles are exact, the feel is solid. There is something transcendent about working with wood and tools after staring at a computer all day… I did some basic sanding, then put all four sections in the jig, glued and sanded them. The frame went together like a fresh jigsaw puzzle. Apart from some poor planning (the cuts I made in the sides to fit the glass are much too shallow), the frame is perfect. Thank you, Renie.

I got in touch with an old friend from high school last night, the guy whose floor I slept on probably more than my own (he lived much closer to town than I did.) He’s doing great, is engaged to marry this year, and is teaching a variety of music classes at my old school. I have to admit, I don’t know what surprised me more— the fact that he’s getting married or that my school installed a recording and mixing studio.

Date posted: January 8, 2003 | Filed under history, music, projects | Leave a Comment »

When I was a fifth-grader in New Jersey, I lived in a big postwar development where all the houses were close, but not too close together. The streets were lined in a grid and well lit; you could always find your way back home by counting back down to fifth street, where I lived. On Halloween, my mother let me and my friend Brad wander the whole neighborhood by ourselves until the homeowners got tired and put the almost-empty bowl on the porch with a “take one” sign. For a kid who grew up pretty close to home (not by choice) this was a night of pure freedom—we ranged out as far as we could imagine, almost all the way up to the Krauzer’s at the far end of the neighborhood (which was considered a Voyage To The End Of The Universe during the summertime.) We avoided gangs of bigger kids looking to terrorize us smaller ones by jumping into bushes or falling quietly into groups of larger kids. Brad’s older brother Todd had warned us that he and his friends would be out looking for us with shaving cream and eggs. We walked the first few blocks in constant neck-jerking fear, but soon succumbed to the pleasures of free candy and no parental supervision, filling our pillowcases and itching at our costumes, and the night seemed to last forever.

I just read that Jam Master Jay was shot and killed in Queens last night. Everybody wave your Adidas in the air.

I also got an email the other day from our friend Paul, who has been quietly reminding me how bad the trucks I lust after are bad for the environment and for the other drivers on the road. Paul, I’m working on a reply—hang tight.

Jen and I went to the AIGA Baltimore’s Pulp, Ink & Hops show last night, where they get you drunk and give you lots of paper samples. This year we departed from SOP and picked up only a few samples while drinking the same amount. It was good to catch up with a bunch of people we haven’t seen since, well, the last PI&H show.

And what must be one of the most absurd things I’ve read in a long time, the Boy Scouts are gonna kick this guy out unless he renounces his atheism. You know what I say about the Boy Scouts? The hell with them. I don’t think religion, or lack thereof, should have anything to do with whether or not you’re a Boy Scout. Whatever happened to common sense? Seems to me they should give out a merit badge for that, too. Tell me what you think.

→ This is a syndicated post from my Scout weblog. More info here.

Date posted: October 31, 2002 | Filed under history, Scout | Leave a Comment »

My Scout is a funny collection of quirks, oddities, safety hazards, and well-designed parts all moving together in a strange harmony. Generally, the gas/oil gauge remains dark when I turn the lights on; the bulbs work, but there’s a funky connection in the 24-year-old wiring. As of a month ago, the right turn signal would light but not blink, although the relay for the hazards blinked all four turn lights. I drove it yesterday, after it sat idle in front of the house for two weeks, and coming home last night the heat blew steady and warm, all the dash lights were on, and both turn signals lit and blinked. I know it misses me, and wishes I would stop the rust that’s eating away at the door pillars, and it broke my heart to know that I can’t find anyone in the are who will take the job on. I love that truck.

I have a guy coming out on Friday morning to look at and estimate on how much it will cost to tear out and replace my front door and transom window, a job I’ve been waiting to do for the five years I’ve been in the house. I can’t tell you how much I want to do this.

I found this article written by Joe Galloway about his experience in Vietnam, after watching We Were Soldiers. Interesting to hear the story from his perspective, and it’s interesting to know that some of the reality made it into the movie.

Tonight in the backyard I got the rest of the step supports built, and I put another vertical post in under the stair platform. I wasn’t able to get the stairs started because I bought 2×10’s instead of 2×12’s, but I marked out the pattern on the 2×10 to verify, and all looks good. So tomorrow afternoon it’s back to the store for more lumber, and I’ll begin cutting each stair riser when I get home. After that section is done, I can finish the framework and then start laying the planking down. I will post photos when there’s a little more to see.

→ This is a syndicated post from my Scout weblog. More info here.

Date posted: October 22, 2002 | Filed under history, house, Scout | Leave a Comment »

chevrolet, eastern avenue, 10.14

chevrolet, eastern avenue, 10.14

I got a cryptic call from my ex-girlfriend last night, asking me to do a favor for her and our cat, whom she took when she moved out. I had just gotten back from scuba class, and my hair still stank of chlorine from the pool and cigarette smoke from the instructor’s ashtray after we took him to celebrate our final pool dive. I played the first message- the same jerk who keeps calling me about “Debt Consolidation” (but not as annoying—or as creepy—as the used car dealer who folded up a newspaper ad in a plain number ten envelope, with a cryptic Post-It attached that said, “Bill, this looks like a great bargain for you.”) and erased that; the second one I mistook for Jen’s boss at first, by the way she pronounced her name. I think she’s going to ask me to take the cat back, but I’m not sure. Only a call tonight will tell.

Date posted: October 16, 2002 | Filed under flickr, history | Leave a Comment »

change of the seasons, lakewood ave, 10.11

change of the seasons, lakewood ave, 10.11

I thought I had lost my birth certificate this Monday. For work, we’re getting passports in case of travel, and I had been a good Boy Scout and gathered my birth certificate, carefully filed away in the archives at home, as well as passport photos and the application. I put them in a white manila envelope and tucked them away at work until we got a caravan of people together to go to the post office.

Fast forward to this monday, when we got a group of people ready to go. I can’t find my envelope anywhere; it’s not in the hastily organized shelf that acts as my desk (we work at folding banquet tables here- no desks to be seen) or in my laptop bag, or my sketchbook. I’m screwed.

Fast forward to last night. I open my file cabinet to organize my invoices, and what is sitting in the invoice folder? the envelope with my passport info. I had tucked it into my laptop bag for safekeeping and it got stuck in the invoices folder. Too bad I already put that $30 check in the mail to the Massachussetts clerk’s office to get another certified copy…

…It’s amazing how much darker the photo below is on my PC’s CRT than it is on my Powerbook.

Todd sent me a link today where I can see just how many crimes were committed within a variable distance from my house. There’s also a website devoted to my little corner of the world; now I can pull up important information like recycling dates.

Date posted: October 11, 2002 | Filed under Baltimore, history | Leave a Comment »

fell's point, 9.18

fell's point, 9.18

Credit Suisse First Boston, the scheduled underwriter for the IPO of a company I used to work for, is in big doo-doo for insider manipulation of stock ratings. D’oh! (I spent part of last night reading a copy of Fortune magazine from here at the office about white-collar crime.)

CNN just redesigned their site. Good or bad? Discuss.

Arrrrrrggghhh. I’m still trying to organize my drives with OSX, and it’s becoming a nightmare. Trying to organize all my files in one coherent place, and then having the paranoia that won’t let me throw anything away is a bad mixture. I’m attempting to burn copies of Stuffit archives onto PC discs (I don’t have a Mac burner currently) and then put them away. Meanwhile, juggling three different bootable drives is getting tedious, especially when fonts, programs, and files are all looking in certain places for things they need.

  1. I need a copy of Suitcase or ATM for OSX.
  2. I need a CD burner pronto.
  3. I need an OS how-to book badly.
Date posted: September 20, 2002 | Filed under apple, flickr, history, money | Leave a Comment »