My Instagram feed has been suggesting videos of parts being turned on lathes for a couple of months now. They must know it’s the ASMR my brain needs to soothe itself. I’ve always been curious about how they work and fascinated by the engineering behind them; there’s so much to learn about tolerances and the math behind how to cut threads in bolts. One of the YouTube channels I follow just posted a video where he saved a professional lathe from being scrapped, got it back to his shop, and modified it to run on regular 120V house power vs. the three-phase it was built for. Along the way he shows how it works, explains some of the basic math behind its electrical requirements, rigs up a 120V motor and a three-way switch to make it work.

Once again, I am super jealous. I would LOVE to have a shop big enough to hold this and the time to learn how to use it properly.

Date posted: January 27, 2025 | Filed under general, Inspiration | Leave a Comment »

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