Daring Fireball does a review of the new M2 MacBook Air, and makes an interesting point comparing it to the current MacBook Pro:

Basically, there are millions of people whose computing needs would be more than met by the MacBook Air but who feel like they probably need a slightly thicker laptop with a fan on the inside and the word “Pro” stamped on the outside because their current ostensibly pro-level laptop — which may well be a MacBook Pro from Apple with Intel inside — struggles under the load of their daily work.

I’m not currently in the market for another laptop, but I sense the time is coming soon. I get Pro-level equipment from work, and the majority of what I do on my personal machine doesn’t require the extra ports and goodies the new Pro models have. I suspect I would do just fine with a midlevel Air and save myself a grand or so.

Date posted: July 18, 2022 | Filed under apple, shortlinks | Leave a Comment »

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