The Dallas police officer who entered the wrong apartment and shot an unarmed man dead is going to jail for 10 years. Pulling a service revolver on a man while he was eating ice cream in his own house, and then failing to perform any kind of first aid while he laid bleeding on the floor, seems… a bit callous to me?


Here’s a graphic I hurriedly designed for the High-Level Panel Report on Oceans that was launched this morning. I don’t often get to do the actual work these days so it’s nice to see something I put together up on the big screen.

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I related news, I used the last of my fiscal 2019 budget to upgrade the second DSLR/video camera here at work, which is now 10 years old with a Sony A7R II and a 24-70mm lens. I’m dubious of all Sony products, dating back to several faulty CD players and other components with lousy quality, so this is a wide leap of faith for me. I’m told they are excellent cameras and the smaller size is attractive, so this should be an interesting exercise.

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I will not be able to upgrade my Apple Watch until I shell the money out for a new iPhone. From what Apple says, I need to be running iOS 13 on my phone to be able to run the updater for the watch. I think this may be one of the first times planned obsolescence has locked me out of one of my Apple devices; I’ve got a server in the basement running an OS that’s 5 versions behind and a laptop on my desk that’s 3 behind—but that’s because they’re both 12 years old. My phone is five years old at this point, and still works reasonably well. It’s slow and the battery is getting weaker, but I didn’t have any plans to update it until next year. My watch will not necessitate the purchase of a new phone, but it’s annoying that I don’t have any alternative.

Date posted: October 3, 2019 | Filed under general | Leave a Comment »

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