It’s official: The Scout is now insured through Hagerty, a specialty insurance company that caters to classic vehicles. What this means is that there’s excellent injury and damage coverage, as well as a guaranteed replacement price for the Scout in case something catastrophic happens. I insured her for the average going price for a Scout in Good condition (this is the East Coast, after all) so if the unthinkable happens they will cut me a Big Fat Check, I can find another one in roughly the same condition, and buy it outright.
The critters have realized there’s food in the greenhouse, even if it’s stuff they don’t like. I’ve noticed chipmunks darting through the corners when I walk in, and there’s a new hole in the dirt someone has made for quick escapes. As usual, they will climb up to the ripest tomato and chomp a few bites out of it before realizing, hey, I don’t like this. Then they will move on to the next ripest tomato and do the same thing. Incensed, I went out and bought a couple of rat traps (because size matters) and some of those electronic high-frequency emitters. After installing those I used a couple of Giant Destroyers to nuke the hole. I’ll have to order more and just keep smoking them out.