Today, Day 9 after the start of chemotherapy, sucked. I felt lousy all day. My stomach has been upset and my head isn’t feeling right. I spent the morning on the couch, then went upstairs and napped for two hours. Back downstairs I didn’t feel any better unless I was snacking, which wasn’t often because my stomach was upset.

One good thing was that all of the radiology staff at the hospital were dressed up in team costumes: the team in my usual room was working with a Flintstones theme, while the next one over were the characters from Grease.

halloween 3

thousand-yard stare


Finn and Mama went to trick-or-treat at Gramma Cindy’s house again this year, which has been our tradition since 2013. I wish I could have been there with them.

Date posted: October 31, 2017 | Filed under cancer | Leave a Comment »

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