So my friend Will and I did some exploring around the East Side of the city this Saturday. He posted a picture of an independent junkyard and told me we should check it out; a date was quickly made. I picked him up in Peer Pressure, we packed some tools, and headed out for some adventure.

The yard itself looked promising from the road; out in front sat several original Beetles, an SS Monte Carlo, a Manx dune buggy (with optional Subaru Brat jumpseats), a couple of Karmann Ghias, and a mid-70’s shit brown Nova that looked like Grandma had just parked it in front of the pharmacy.


Behind the gate, however, things were a little more sparse. It looked like they were actually winding operations down, because it was about 1/2 full and the back section by the crusher was pretty much empty. The selection was slim, so we headed over to the local Crazy Ray’s and wandered the lot. I find that the city yards are generally missing any interesting older stock because of the turnover; 90’s era imports and domestics of all shapes and sizes rule the day. We found a couple of picked-over Beetles and 2nd-generation Camaros but nothing worth writing about.


Date posted: June 4, 2012 | Filed under cars, flickr | Leave a Comment »

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