The new bathroom window is in place, and (you can just barely see) the old jalousie window is gone (this as of about 8:45AM). I’m hoping there will be three double-hung windows in its place by the time I get home.

Update: Here’s a daytime pic from Jen’s iPhone:

Windows in place

Date posted: November 23, 2010 | Filed under house | 6 Comments »

6 Responses to White Shingle.

  1. tbtine says:

    Your prayers have been answered: three hung. It’s so strange, but so nice.

  2. ren says:

    Nice!!! Can’t wait to see it!

  3. tbtine says:

    Hopefully you’ll get some sunlight in which to see it (I’ve not yet). The day turned gray shortly after Bill left this morning, so I’ve not gotten the full benefit of the sun coming through the windows just yet.

  4. Linda says:

    Wait — we’re back on the ground floor, yes? So this isn’t the master bathroom reno, but rather the powder room off the office?

  5. tbtine says:

    Yes, and no. The single window goes to the powder room. The three windows go into what will be a den.

  6. tbtine says:

    Although I suppose they only go ‘into’ if you’re robbing us.