Who says National Public Radio has no sense of humor? The first music bumper on Marketplace this evening, after the lead story on the stock market hiccup, was “Wave of Mutilation” by the Pixies.
I have a Facebook account, and I do try to keep it as minimal as possible, because the company’s continuing policy is to erode as much privacy from user accounts as possible. The EFF just published Six Things You Need to Know About Facebook Connections, which is a handy guide to seeing exactly what they’re sharing (everything) and how. Remember, to Facebook, you’re not a user, you’re a product. Your personal information is bought and sold every day, and there is no “privacy”.
At least with a weblog, I can choose to share what I want with the world.
This weekend we were on the Eastern Shore visiting friends. On our way out of town Sunday afternoon, they took us to a lovely undisclosed location close to their house where we found a quiet park with a sandy beach that was just the right size for Finn to get her toes wet. She was apprehensive at first (the water was cold!) but as soon as I showed her how to toss stones in the water, she was hooked. At one point I had to keep her from running in headfirst in excitement. We laughed and splashed under a warm sun with a gentle breeze coming off the bay, and for about a half an hour, my whole world was right there on the beach.
This smooth, etched piece of glass now sits on my windowsill to remind me of a perfect day with my girls.