I consider myself a pretty technologically savvy idiot. I’ve had a weblog for eight years, I’ve been working on the internet for over ten; but I’ve resisted jumping on the social networking train, with one exception. It seems like everybody’s on the Facebook these days, and in the last two weeks, I’ve had three different people tell me I should join. I’ve made my reservations about social networking pretty plain here before, which basically boils down to avoiding the same crap I dealt with in high school, but this evening I decided to stick my toe in the pool, for reasons I don’t quite understand yet.

Date posted: January 26, 2009 | Filed under geek | 8 Comments »

8 Responses to To Social Network, Or Not To Social Network?

  1. jenjive says:

    One.of.us! One.of.us! Seriously, I wasn’t kidding when I said I’d been thinking ‘nothing good will come of this’ ever since I signed on. I can’t decide which is worse: the fabulous lives I imagine other people have or the fabulous lives they’re actually living.

  2. I never thought I’d do it either, considering I don’t have the time to post on my regular blog lately. But it’s been good to reconnect with people who are important to me. I’ll have to see if I can keep the commitment to actually keep up with it.

  3. Mrs. Scout says:

    Ah, it happens to the best of us. Seriously, though, it’s great for keeping up with friends who abandon you for far-off, exotic places (like us!)

  4. the idiot says:

    Given the fact that my inbox has basically filled nonstop with notifications since I joined, I doubt I will be failing to keep up with it. Unless, of course, I am contacted by people I don’t like. We’ll see. On the positive side, I’ve gotten checkins from some people I haven’t talked to in years, which is cool.

  5. Mrs. Scout says:

    Does this mean that you’re on FB? You should come find us…I searched you and found about 30 people with your name on there. I found Jen a couple months ago; it looked like she wasn’t using it, so I didn’t add her.

  6. the idiot says:

    I am, and I will…just not when I’m at work!

    BTW, Jen’s on there too.

  7. the idiot says:


    The president of my college “friended” me this afternoon. Has this thing already jumped the shark, or…?

  8. Mrs. Scout says:

    Heh….Well, you’re just slightly behind my sixty-something coworkers and my cross-stitching aunt who just joined. So, yeah, “they” aren’t kidding when they say everyone is on Facebook.