Sage is back from a hellish hospital visit. His belly got shaved again, and he spent the majority of last evening dragging himself around the atrium in an opiate-induced haze. The doctor still can’t give us a clear determination between cancer or a very bad infection, but in the meantime he gets to eat whatever the hell he wants in the hopes it’ll put some meat back on his bones.

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There is drywall on the porch as of last night. The guy I’m using flaked on us twice but finally showed up on Monday to start the job; I’m not altogether pleased with the initial results but I’m hoping his skill with a drywall float will cover up the major blemishes.

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We’re getting ready for a trip north to see my folks and present The Belly to the extended family this weekend. Showers will be attended, parties will be held, pictures will be taken, and laughter will be heard. In the meantime, I’m doing everything I can to get a bunch of work out the door before we leave.

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We have made it through ¾ of a dish of cherry clafoutis and ½ of a blueberry pie since Monday; there is still about 4 lbs. of blueberries and cherries left over, waiting to be canned. Blueberry pie is delicious for breakfast, by the way.

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Also: I’m fooling with TypeKey authentication for comments on this site, seeing as I’m getting slammed with dumb spam for russian pr0n and offshore gambling sites. If you have any problems with signing up, let me know via email and I’ll either fix it or disable the whole thing. (If you’ve got a TypePad account, I’m pretty sure you have a TypeKey account too).

Update: Nevermind. The TypeKey documentation was too hard to find in under 5 minutes, and I don’t have 5 minutes right now. Back to moderated comments.

Date posted: July 16, 2008 | Filed under housekeeping | Comments Off on Quickly…

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