My pop is now off the ventilator, with a tracheotomy tube, and sitting upright, which is a great sign. He’s writing things we can actually understand and itching to get out of the bed; most of all he wants to EAT.
This is a revisit of the postcard Jen and I bought months ago, and for this one I decided to overlay the old with the new to see the changes 100 years will make. It took a little finagling with depth of field and a bit of Photoshop work to get the postcard light enough to see, but the results are worth the effort.
If you were going to make it so other people who are unfamiliar with the town could “see the changes 100 years will make”, you might want to take one without the postcard and stitch them together somehow. I’ve been there before and I’m not even sure what buildings are there and aren’t after The Aurora Inn.
Just sayin’.