Making lists helps me keep my fractured brain organized, and I decided it was time to get off my ass and make a list of stuff I’ve been saying I want to do but haven’t actually begun. Here they are in no particular order:

  • Update: Ride a unicycle.
  • Learn how to ride a motorcycle properly, and get a license. Motorcycle Safety Foundation, Popular Mechanics article
  • Learn how to clean and care for a revolver, automatic, and rifle.
  • Take and pass a CPR class for certification.
  • Play the guitar. – Lessons paid for
  • Take a small engine repair course.
  • Take a basic algebra class, in preparation for computer programming classes. – Home schooling started 3.7
  • Get an illustration published in a national publication.
  • Go back to figure drawing classes.
  • Become a father. success!
  • Upgrade/redesign this website.
  • Learn about studio lighting and shooting medium-format film portraiture. – MICA spring courses?

This list will get added to and modified over the next year, so I added a link in the sidebar to remind and motivate myself. To start, I signed up for guitar lessons down the street at Appalachian Bluegrass this afternoon for the month of January. My goal is to be able to play passable rhythm guitar by the end of the year.

Date posted: December 31, 2007 | Filed under life | 6 Comments »

6 Responses to A Better Idiot 2008.

  1. dave says:

    Congrats on the guitar and lessons. I hope you’ll share what you learn. Call if you need a bassist to play with!

  2. the idiot says:

    I will take you up on that, Dave. Music is best when created among friends.

  3. ren says:

    It’s important to be a licensed motorcycle driver who can clean his .45 in order to be a good dad. Chuckle.

  4. the idiot says:

    I never said one thing was dependent on another. I just said I wanted to learn how to do them, that’s all.

  5. Todd(father) says:

    Might I suggest that you’d best complete most of your uberlist before the ‘become a father’ item supersedes the others. …I’m just sayin’…

  6. the idiot says:

    Precisely the reason I started this list, and the prime motivator for finishing it.