Any guesses?
Ann Coulter. (Though if it were her, your headline would be more like, “Name that ignorant misogynistic knee-jerk bandwagon conservative boor.”)
Initially, I thought Madonna. But I suppose “fake English accent” does not necessarily make one crazy. Pretentious and lame, certainly.
Nope, you got it right, Ren, it’s Coulter. I’ll post the whole thing when I put up the new and improved illustration site.
Toddfather! What’s shaking, my friend?
Ann Coulter. (Though if it were her, your headline would be more like, “Name that ignorant misogynistic knee-jerk bandwagon conservative boor.”)
Initially, I thought Madonna. But I suppose “fake English accent” does not necessarily make one crazy. Pretentious and lame, certainly.
Nope, you got it right, Ren, it’s Coulter. I’ll post the whole thing when I put up the new and improved illustration site.
Toddfather! What’s shaking, my friend?