I’ve spent about 22 of the last 48 hours working on some last-minute updates for a website I’ve been building since last year; this included pulling some Flash out of my butt, making a lot of sitewide updates, and a few hurried conference calls with folks in California.

The company’s name is TalkPlus, and the deal is that they add services to your existing mobile phone. If your phone has a Maryland area code and you’d like to have a Los Angeles number for your presence there, TalkPlus can give that to you. The service also includes a bunch of features not available with some standard mobile acounts-the ability to screen calls by incoming number, voicemail that can go to your email account, multiple outbound IDs (you could spoof your own caller ID, essentially) and a few other goodies.

They’ve just opened a public beta, and for a limited time you can try the service out for free. I’m not sure what numbers they have available right now, but if you spend a lot of time on the road, have multiple offices, are dating and wish to keep your actual number private, or just like fooling around with technology, check it out.

Date posted: November 14, 2006 | Filed under art/design | Comments Off on Talk, Plus.

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