I’ve been sitting here at my computer getting various things done and wondering what I ate that’s making me so sleepy—granted, the two hot dogs from IKEA were probably not the better part of a balanced meal, but they were damn tasty. Then I remembered that I was up until 2:30AM on a conference call with a quartet of people on the west coast. (I’m not saying this to brag, but because I completely forgot about it until just now. Time to reheat some java.)
Jen and I decided to get the hell out of town early on Saturday, and we drove north to scenic Lancaster, PA to visit a mythical Pottery Barn outlet we’d been told about by friends months ago. I never realized what a cottage industry the Amish faith was until we passed the Dutch Wonderland and its attendant motels, spread over acres of old pasture; this odd attraction is now giving way to the modern amusement park, otherwise known as the outlet mall. Once there, we scored a pair of cabinets from Hold Everything on super-deep 50% discount, a pair of lights for the dining room (finally!) and a wool runner for the hallway at 2/3 of the price. The rest of the day was spent getting lost in actual Amish country and marveling at how much Lancaster County resembles Ireland. (I’d have a picture of the “Welcome to Intercourse” sign to show you, but we were hungry, and stopped at the White Horse Inn for a decidedly non-chain-restaurant dinner.)
Jen loves the title of this post. Luffs it.
I didn’t even think about that when I read it!
Ewww, though.