Jen and I are groggily sipping (nay, gulping) coffee this morning and attempting to wake up. Last night’s curtain call came at 4AM, after a long day of edits and new page layout for her and pre-production Photoshop work for me. She’s been pulling these hours for two weeks now—we were talking via iChat at midnight PST last week while I was in Oregon—but this is the final stretch. The client is still trying to stuff new pages, pictures, and random changes into the mixture this morning, but she has slammed the door on their little fingers (the deadline is Friday) and we are in cleanup mode from here on out.

At one point last night, she asked me if all this was worth it, and I had to remind myself that we aren’t working for someone else on a salary, we get to work together (shockingly well yesterday, I might add), and we get to make the decisions as to how far we’ll go for our clients (which is usually pretty far).

Yeah, 4AM sucks, but the commute is pretty sweet.

Date posted: May 25, 2006 | Filed under general | Comments Off on Still On PDX Time.

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