You may have noticed the boat up top is gone. And it’s a little less blue around here. While I had some time between projects, I decided to put a new look together for the site here that’s less oppressive, cluttered, and, Obviously there are some things to be worked out with the templates, but overall it seems to be working pretty well.

Now, I have to wrestle with an install of Movabletype 3.2, which didn’t go so smoothly last time. Cross your fingers for me.

Oh, and the search function is wonky. Stay tuned.

Update: Looks like I broke something; the comments on this entry are busted. It doesn’t seem to actually be writing the individual HTML file…

Update update: I left a few small tags out when I rebuilt the templates. I put them back in, and I’m testing now… Yeah, that was it. One small tag at the top of each page, and MT wasn’t writing new pages for each entry (or updating current entries, for that matter.) If the following tag is left out:

<a href=”<$MTBlogURL$>” accesskey=”1″>

MT won’t write the various files correctly (or, at all, unless an entire site rebuild is performed.)

Date posted: March 14, 2006 | Filed under art/design | 1 Comment »

One Response to A Fresh Perspective.

  1. CT says:

    Do you remember the old white generic labels on canned goods at the grocery store? They would just say something like Corn or Wax Beans. This is almost like it. Kinda interesting.