Not much to report around here lately; you can tell the summer blahs have got me firmly in their grip. Jen and I got a bunch of crap done around the house this weekend—the hallway is now a lovely shade of green called celadon, which is light enough to be soothing but muted enough not to send us into fits of homicidal panic. It’s an excellent transition from the downstairs to the upstairs, and provides as neutral a divider for all the other rooms as possible outside of gray. There’s a teeny little hummingbird hanging around Jen’s butterfly bush outside the kitchen window, the first one we’ve seen all year. And we finally got to enjoy the first tomato from the garden on Sunday, which was a treat.

I’m also about a day or two away from finally walking into the Apple Store and buying a new iBook. One more check (hopefully tonight) and I’ll leapfrog five and a half years into the future…

Date posted: August 22, 2005 | Filed under general | 1 Comment »

One Response to Creeping Ennui…

  1. dave says:

    If you’re one of the first 1,000 when you walk into that Apple Store (providing it’s the one opening in Annapolis on the 27th, you can walk out with an iBook and a tShirt.