Million Dollar Baby: Worth every Oscar they gave it. Great movie.

Hitch: That rarest of species: the funny, watchable, engaging romantic comedy.

Our house: Not nearly enough progress as I’d hoped, but it’s getting a little closer. There’s a coat of primer on the back atrium windows, the attic window above the stairs, and on the fascia board over the peak of the atrium window. (That was an interesting feat of acrobatic skill, hanging my stupid ass over the side of the roof to slap a coat of paint on a board. It’s funny how fearless I get with heights as the summer progresses…)

Life: We spent Saturday evening with R&K on their deck in Canton, overlooking the neighborhood, harbor, and city skyline. As always, it’s great fun to relax with the two of them and enjoy cocktails on the cheap. The pair of all-weather couches and comfy pillows up there is a testament to their excellent taste—sitting on their deck is like being in a private club. Jen and I spent last night poring through the IKEA catalog over furniture we can’t afford. How coincidental was that?

…back to work…

Date posted: August 8, 2005 | Filed under life | 1 Comment »

One Response to Briefly…

  1. Linds says:

    Was the dance/party scene in Hitch not the funniest thing you’ve ever seen!!! We were DYING!!!!!! Bwaahhhaahahhaaa. I still giggle and it’s been 2 weeks since I’ve seen it.