I signed up for a Netflix account this afternoon. I’m going to make this here Internet work for me, dammit.

Date posted: July 20, 2005 | Filed under geek | 5 Comments »

5 Responses to Go To Hell, Blockbuster.

  1. Min Wage Flunky says:

    But Mr. Dugan, didn’t I tell you we have a plan that makes sure you never pay a late fee?

  2. tbtine says:

    OH. MY. GAWD.

    That was going to be my surprise to you…I signed up yesterday.

  3. xlt says:

    You’ll never darken the Blockbuster doorstep again. Never go back.

  4. the idiot says:

    Heh, heh. Sure you did. But you conveniently forgot to mention there’s a limit on how long you avoid a late fee? No thanks, I’m tired of the bait-and-switch, and you don’t have a location anywhere near my house. Besides, you censor and alter movies that I’m old enough to see, and I appreciate that about as much as a punch in the head. Go to hell.

  5. sweetney says:

    now that’s the spirit!