One of the many perks of being married to a print designer are the gifts from print reps that bloom in springtime. Every April, the salespeople start sniffing around for that beginning-of-calendar-year business and waving tickets around like party favors. I’ve often thought that 3/4 of the attendance at Camden Yards was due to Baltimore and D.C. printing shops wooing customers, because it seems like everybody around me in the stands is in a suit, on a cellphone, or buying an Italian Ice for the boss. Not that I’m complaining, however, because the only way to enjoy baseball (besides when it’s on an AM tube radio) is in person, with a stadium dog in your hand and a beer on its way over from the vendor in the aisle. Now, I can’t remember the last time I was able to see a game downtown—tickets have been hard to come by the past couple of years—but it looks like tonight we break the slump to see dem O’s play Toronto. Unfortunately, it’s supposed to be about 50°, so we need to dress warm and shiver out the cold. But I don’t care!

Date posted: May 3, 2005 | Filed under life | Comments Off on Baseball, bitches!

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