The iMac I have set up here at work as an iTunes server has been discovered by the rest of the office. Because of the five-stream limit Apple wrote in to the sharing feature of iTunes, I’m not able to listen to my own music right now.

Brief Political Statement. I’m glad I’m not in New York City. Now, why is the news media ignoring the comments of Dennis Hastert, your House Speaker, the third most powerful Republican in the country, who accused George Soros of financing his empire with drug money last Sunday? (Soros is anti-Bush, and, understandably, kinda pissed.)

Vote Democrat. Vote Independent. Vote Martian. Just get these pricks out of office, please.

Thank You. To the good people of Home Depot: You’ll let me test nailguns in the Tool Corral unsupervised. You’ll let me carry flimsy cans of highly toxic substances through your store and help me load them into my trunk. You’ll leave dangerous circular saws unattended and plugged in throughout the store. You’ll trust an 18-year-old kid to drive a forklift loaded with half a ton of drywall over my head and store it on a rack thirty feet in the air. You’ll rent me a wood chipper to grind the brush in my backyard or dispose of Steve Buscemi, whichever I choose.

Why is it, then, that you won’t let grown adults cut glass to order in your stores because of “insurance reasons?” I wasted half the evening driving across western Maryland looking for somebody who could cut me two panes of replacement glass. (For the record, Lowe’s will happily do it for you.) Unbelievable.

Also, the Airport Extreme base station is up and running without a hitch. The extra $50 or so I spent on the Apple product was worth the money.

Date posted: September 1, 2004 | Filed under house, humor, politics | Leave a Comment »

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