Yesterday Jen and I traveled to Georgetown Hospital to see her mother, who has been moved to the bone marrow ward (although she has no bone marrow of her own, nor white blood cells, this is the best place for her to be right now) and is still touch-and-go. She looks small, and pale, and very tired, but still has a funny sense of humor about a very bleak situation.

before/after, catonsville, 8.8.04

Today I stuck around the house to catch up on yardwork; the place had a run-down air to it after two weeks of neglected mowing. I tried out our $5 weed whacker and my $.25 clippers, taking all the trees in my reach to task. One massive pile of brush later, the yard looks much better. I also got the fourth side of the house painted, which makes the place look complete.

Date posted: August 8, 2004 | Filed under family, house, photo | Leave a Comment »

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