Salon has a great article on the train wreck that is CSI: Miami, AKA Melodramatic Line Readings With David Caruso. News to me: Gary Sinise, one of my more favored actors, makes yet another wrongheaded career move to star in CSI: New York. Stop the madness!
House Progress. I’ve been able to run wire throughout the office, which sets us up with enough plugs to run an entire Home Depot lighting department. Still to come are the runs for cable, phone, and ethernet, but for the time being I’m fitting the baseboards back in place and beginning to button up the far side. This morning I made the top hole in the sill plate to start dropping wire down to the basement, so hopefully that will happen towards the end of the week.
Album Of The Day: Dinosaur Jr., Where You Been. Taking me back to 1992.
Speaking of music, I’ve found a reasonable solution to my WMA -> MP3 problem: convert at a higher bit rate. If I go up to 192kbps, the sound improves dramatically—no more hollow, compressed singing-into-a-pint-glass sound. It’s not great (I’d hate to see the second-gen wave compression) but it does the job.