flower (special thanks to Dad for the macro lens), 1.25.04

Among the things Jen and I got done this weekend was meeting with our florist for the wedding, which started out like Scott’s expedition to the North Pole. We were referred to a wonderful lady north of the city, and with her help, working out the arrangements took about two hours. I think we both left the shop relieved and confident—the flowers came within our budget and beyond our expectations.

Saturday evening we drove to the Ram’s Head in Annapolis to meet up with the Montheazletts and Caudizzis for drinks and dinner to celebrate Nate’s birthday. Entering the bar with no dinner reservations, we stood at the bar for a while until we found some seating at the Irish pub down the street. We also got to meet Dave the Tunemaster, who looks a little too much like me (skinny, goateed men with square glasses and hyperactive temperaments, although he has better hair than me), and Steve and Carol. While I pimped my real estate agent on Kristen, Jen and Heather made plans to hit the original bridal shop to have a steel cage match next weekend.

Sunday I was able to get power, data and cable run from the Blue room to the basement, as well as insulation put in the wall and surrounding the bathtub, which will put us in the vicinity of the schedule I was hoping for.

Date posted: January 25, 2004 | Filed under friends, house, photo | Leave a Comment »

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