I broke down and bought a Jelly Roll Morton album From the iTunes Store last night. 22 of the best mid-20’s Jazz standards for $10? I’m all over that.
Link not work? Sorry, you need iTunes on a Mac.

Today I ordered $175 worth of fencing for the backyard of my house. Big deal, you say, so what? Well, with the completion of the fencing back there (so that we may hopefully be able to ignore the lovely view of the alley, the fact that three of our neighbors have taken to parking their cars directly across from the house, and avoid any more theft) and some planting, the backyard should be complete. A major overhaul on the front door, some minor cosmetic stuff, and we put the house up on the market. ¡Adios, Baltimore! Time to beat feet out of there. And not a moment too soon.

Frightening. There comes a certain point in the day, sometimes midway through your career, sometimes several in one week, where you realize just how much you still have left to learn. And I mean just technically. Not the existential every-day stuff (which is cause for more concern, and usually another round of drinks.)

I just had one of those moments. It’s only 3:38PM. Boy, I need a drink.

One reason not to drink, but to get back to work: The collected caricatures of David Levine, one of the bestest there is. The New York Review of Books has made his work viewable as a gallery going back to 1963. (via metafilter)

Date posted: May 29, 2003 | Filed under art/design, house, music | Leave a Comment »

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