I had the good fortune to meet Mike Lee, an information architect over at e.magination, last night; he invited me by the office to take a tour of the place and I bought him dinner and bent his ear. e.magination is very impressive—they are doing a lot of the things I was pushing for in previous web shops, like exhaustively trolling the client sites to catalog their information, dedicated testing, and focused documentation.

Mike is a very interesting guy, and I enjoyed talking with him about a bunch of different stuff- he’s been experimenting with website mapping through non-two dimensional means, looking at alternate uses for low-technology toys (I have to buy one of these now) and evangelizing IA throughout the company. Over beers we touched on a bunch of different topics, including digital copyrighting, piracy, bypassing traditional publishing outlets, teaching and education, facing the technical learning curve inherent in our profession….

I spent so much time processing, thinking, questioning, and leaping ahead of myself while we were talking, I’m afraid nothing I said made cohesive sense. Mike, if I was hard to follow, my apologies!

Date posted: June 28, 2002 | Filed under friends | Leave a Comment »

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