Well, the Sun stuff I have here is worth about as much as the empty coffee cup next to this monitor, so I’m going to chuck them both in the dumpster this afternoon. I can’t even get money for the Sun mouses. I would eventually like to buy a used SPARC at some point, but for now I’ll stick with MKLinux on the 7100. I did read that the official version of Apache 2 has been released though.

I’m trying to resist the impulse to buy a digital camera right now. I think the money will be better spent on the Scout- new brakes, a tune-up, etc. so that she can get back on the road. I have $200 from eBay that I’m going to combine with a check from O. to pay off the Powerbook, and when (and if) we ever get the payout from Greycube that will pay off the rest of the credit card bill.

I have a message for all you smokers that complain about non-smokers infringing upon your rights: Kiss my ass. Until you decide you can be adult enough to throw your butts in the garbage, or in the little accessory thing in your car they call the ashtray instead of out the window or onto the curb, I don’t give a crap about your infringed rights. Clean up your mess.

Date posted: April 9, 2002 | Filed under geek, photography | Leave a Comment »

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