I took the PowerBook (currently called ‘Black Beauty’) home and began to move stuff around; between the CDs I have burned, the USB hard drive crammed with data left over from Cidera and Supon, and the UAM volume on SLANN with a hurried dump from the USB drive through Dave C’s PowerBook, there’s a ton of crap I forgot all about. Unfortunately I forgot the power cable to the USB drive (it was $200 and this was before powered USB drives) so I couldn’t move the bulk of the info around where I needed to, but I got the UAM volume cleaned up on SLANN and took some more useless data off him to clear the room. I need to take the timne to de/reinstall some of the larger program files onto the larger D: drive, but that’s in the future.

I have 9.2.2 installed on her now, and just installed iTunes- it’s nice to have MP3’s in my headphones again. 9.2 blew up DAVE though, so I have to either re-install or figure out what broke.

Date posted: February 26, 2002 | Filed under apple, geek | Leave a Comment »

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