Let us all pray today goes better than yesterday. I reread the log below from yesterday, and whew! What a venting session that was.

Today I’m looking at the Scout mentioned previously- the guy has it in Baltimore this afternoon, right on the way to the house, so I’m going to cruise down there and take a peek. He says he wants $1900 for it. My finances are about a 2-year low, which means I could buy this truck if I wanted to but be dangerously low in the cash reserve department-not where I want to be in this recession/downturn/correction/assfuck we are all trudging through. It sounds great, although he says it has some rust; I wonder how bad it’ll be when I see it. I was able to walk away comfortably from the ’80 a few weeks ago when me and the guy pulled the tailgate out from the passenger side floor and looked through the hole to the weeds below. I hope his one is either a basket case or a (relatively) cherry truck so that the decision is an easy one.

Just received my RAM – 10:33AM. Kingston value RAM- very nice. Can’t wait to put it in SLANN.

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Date posted: August 29, 2001 | Filed under geek, Scout | Leave a Comment »

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