At work this morning, and I’m missing web design. It feels like it’s been forever since I’ve built something and seen it grow. I miss working on a team. Supon didn’t have any of that feeling for me- it was all very individual, and that was a letdown. System Source, while being a freak show, at least gave us the latitude and space to be able to work in teams to create websites. I miss working with Jason on large projects, and then cruising to Fletcher’s for beers after work.
Speaking of, they finally launched their new website. So I’m off the web page for good now. Good thing I archived it- that will be fun to have for posterity’s sake. I need to get in touch with Jason S. to tell him congratulations, and see if he’s about to kill himself yet.
I’m very tired right now, and I’m feeling a drain on my own resources- I should be really excited to come into work (shit, I’ve only been here 2 weeks) and I’m not, and that bugs me. I was thinking about some friends who have made a better go of things in my field- Tim, Jason R, other folks. I’m wondering where I got sidetracked. That is weighing heavily on my mind right now. I need to get my center back.
OK, I’m coming to some realizations: I’m going to need to beef up the home system first before I go buy a Mac of some kind. In talking with Jesse (who has incidentally offered some tutoring in 3D Studio Max) I found that I’ll need to upgrade my video system first and foremost. This means a new video card, and definitely a new monitor. He suggested a Geforce2 or 3, probably the Pro or a little bit lower. They should be somewhere around $200 or so. Then, I’ll most likely have to bite the bullet and pick up a 17-inch monitor; I was hoping to wait another 6 months to a year and buy a 17″ flat-panel, but that will probably have to wait some. We’ll see.