Search Results for: fallout

Satan’s Hairy Armpit is upon us, with temperatures in the mid 100’s, and all of our air conditioners are cranking. Jen asked me to haul them all outside and clean them out earlier in the summer, and I’m glad she did; they were all disgusting inside, full of black yuck and gunk in the bottom. I disassembled each, sprayed them with mildew killer, hosed them out, and sat them to dry in the sunlight. Now they’re keeping us cool without spraying our lungs full of tuberculosis as we sleep.

I’m considering taking out a home equity line of credit before the election, as I don’t think the new bathroom will be completed without it. We can’t seem to get any traction going in there, and now that I’m not freelancing as much as I used to, I don’t have extra cash appearing magically to throw at it. I have no idea what the markets will do if either candidate wins (but I can guess what will happen if Trump is elected) so I think it’s time to get a fixed APR locked in before everything goes in the shitter.

I’ve been batch processing all of my digital photos from the last 10 years from camera RAW format to JPG, so that I can back them up to Amazon Photo. We get the storage free through Prime, and even though I’ve got two backups of my photos (one in the basement and one in my desk at the office) I’d like to have a third somewhere else. Amazon Photo doesn’t take RAW files, so I set up a simple batch action to open, process, save, and close them into a single folder, which then gets uploaded en masse. I tried finding a script that weeded out any JPG files (why open and resave them?) to filter out everything but what I wanted, but found the documentation poor and once again bonked my head on the low ceiling of my Javascript abilities. So, I gave up and relied on the base batch processor to take care of 2014 and 2013, and being OK with the fact that it’s saving them all at a lower quality for the sake of size.

Date posted: July 28, 2016 | Filed under geek, house | Leave a Comment »

Here’s some fascinating reading: The complete history of the Fallout Shelter sign.

Date posted: May 7, 2010 | Filed under art/design, shortlinks | Leave a Comment »