A handy guide from the EFF: Facebook’s New Privacy Changes: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly. Key quoted quote:
“…users should never forget that Facebook remains, at heart, not a community but a Silicon Valley startup… and take Facebook’s recommendations with a huge grain of salt.”

Date posted: December 13, 2009 | Filed under productivity, shortlinks | Comments Off on Facebook’s new Privacy Policy

I built a Yahoo Pipe earlier in the year to search Craigslist for Scout parts, and it worked great for months. Lately it seems to be bombing out with errors (I wonder if they’ve caught on to me) so I was interested to find a link for Search Tempest, which searches for listings within an area code radius. (Avoid the Java implementation).

Date posted: December 10, 2009 | Filed under productivity, shortlinks | Comments Off on SearchTempest

Pour a little out on the curb for my homie: Adobe discontinues Macromedia HomeSite 5.5. It’s funny—Adobe hasn’t done shit with it in five years, and they’re finally killing it now. I still use this program today; it’s one of the main reasons I have an XP install on my MacBook Pro. (via)

Date posted: July 9, 2009 | Filed under productivity, shortlinks | Comments Off on Macromedia HomeSite 5.5, RIP

This Flickr set from Noisy Decent Graphics is what I’ve been trying to do this year, only much, much better.

Date posted: February 5, 2009 | Filed under design, flickr, productivity, projects, shortlinks | Comments Off on Flickr 366

Now that I seem to be back on the Scout wagon, I decided I’d use Yahoo Pipes to build an RSS scraper for Craigslist to keep an eye on spare parts for sale. I’m impressed with Pipes-it was easy to set up, and I’m going to keep fooling with it to refine my searches further. Not that I can afford anything right now, anyway.

Date posted: January 13, 2009 | Filed under productivity, shortlinks | Comments Off on Yahoo Pipes

I’ve been looking for an iPhone weblog client, and it looks like I may have found one called iBlogger, which seems to get some lukewarm reviews and costs $10. Hmmm.

Date posted: January 1, 2009 | Filed under productivity, shortlinks | Comments Off on iPhone weblog client

I’m bookmarking this for future use: a lin to the Adobe CS3Clean Script. (via)

Date posted: October 24, 2008 | Filed under productivity, shortlinks | Comments Off on CS3 Cleaner

Versions is a Mac Subversion client, which is supposed to make using source control easier. We’ll see how that works.

Date posted: June 4, 2008 | Filed under productivity, shortlinks | Comments Off on Mac Subversion client

Pixar’s Brad Bird on Fostering Innovation. He is the director of two of my favorite movies, and a former alumnus of both Disney and the Simpsons.

Date posted: May 3, 2008 | Filed under productivity, shortlinks | Comments Off on Fostering Innovation, from Brad Bird

Create better PDFs by understanding the formats, a primer on the various types of PDF format used for printing. Yeesh, what a mess.

Date posted: April 25, 2008 | Filed under design, productivity, shortlinks | Comments Off on Understanding PDF formats