This morning NPR was talking about the current state of the stimulus package working its way through the Senate, and how the various factions are arguing over the best way to spend/stimulate. Somebody mentioned there was an amendment to help homeowners refinance their mortgages with federally-underwritten loans at somewhere around 4.5%, which sounded like an excellent idea to me. Some back-of-the-envelope calculations suggest our household could be saving about $250/mo. if we qualified, which we could be putting to excellent use for important things like childcare (keeping someone else employed) or paying down debt (making our risk of foreclosure that much less).

I personally would much rather spend the money we all don’t have on shoring up the inheritors of all this debt instead of flushing it down the toilet that is the current banking system; hearing that Wells Fargo suddenly canceled a million-dollar bacchanal for its “top employees” because of the public furor just reinforces the perception that these fucknuts just don’t get it. I think it might have been more fun to let them all gather in Vegas for their frat party, and then interrupt the whole thing by busing in a couple hundred thousand laid-off Americans to crash the events. That would be some news coverage I’d love to see.

I was also happy to hear the President place limits on corporate pay for any bank who received bailout money; this obviously should have been part of the first legislation passed, but wasn’t.

Whatever the case, it’s nice to hear that this administration, in some part, actually gives a fuck about the rest of us.

Date posted: February 4, 2009 | Filed under life, picture of the day | Comments Off on Cupola.

Date posted: February 2, 2009 | Filed under finn, picture of the day | Comments Off on Sunshine

Date posted: January 28, 2009 | Filed under finn, picture of the day | 1 Comment »

This morning I pulled my giggling daughter from her crib and fed her breakfast as she smiled back up at me. Her mama tells me mornings are her best time of the day, and now I can see why.

Date posted: January 17, 2009 | Filed under finn, picture of the day | Comments Off on Morning with Baby.

Our CEO bought us some mugs for the office. Instead of something false and shallow (I’m imagining about mug-versions of those inspirational posters with titles like “Success” and “Teamwork”), he bought us a set of ten Pantone color mugs. I must have a set for our house.

Date posted: January 16, 2009 | Filed under picture of the day | 1 Comment »

Finn is getting too big for the Bjorn now. It seems like only last week her head still fit below the top edge.

Date posted: January 14, 2009 | Filed under finn, picture of the day | Comments Off on Symmetry, with Bjorn.

I’ve always loved this sign across from Alonzo’s in Roland Park, and today I stopped for two minutes to shoot a picture of it, even though the overcast sky allows for no contrast.

Date posted: January 13, 2009 | Filed under picture of the day | Comments Off on Chow Mein Charlie.

We are getting the dregs of the winter storm here in the Mid-Atlantic, which translates to rainy sleet. I went out to grab some supplies for tomorrow’s resurrection attempt and found that Mr. Scout had dropped by unannounced at some point today to put a hat on the truck.

Date posted: January 10, 2009 | Filed under friends, life, picture of the day | 2 Comments »

Not a whole lot of time to write today–meetings, IKEA, last-minute client changes, and a fire to help put out tomorrow. But at least there are cinnamon rolls…

Date posted: January 9, 2009 | Filed under picture of the day | Comments Off on Carry That Weight.

Last night, Finn stirred at about 3:15, so I sat up in bed, took her into my arms, and rocked her back to sleep. After laying her back in the cosleeper and carefully covering her with a blanket, I tossed and turned for an hour and a half, worrying about the murky, uncertain future and our place in it. I’ve heard predictions of everything from global collapse to mild recession, and while none of it sounds good, I pray daily we can navigate our way through the mess without losing ground.

Date posted: January 8, 2009 | Filed under picture of the day | Comments Off on Twin sticks