Here’s a collection of random links culled from a number of of tabs I’ve had open from the past week:
- Kingmakers is an upcoming game where you are apparently parachuted into historical battles with modern weapons and lay waste to medieval knights with rocket launchers and Corvettes. This looks like it would be a hoot to play. I remember a game 10-15 years ago where the goal was to mow down as many opposing forces as possible and the engine was optimized to have hundreds of NPCs active at the same time without melting down your graphics card. I have to believe you’d need a supercomputer to run this one at anything other than Minecraft-level graphics settings, but it does look like fun.
- What happened to the thousands of ships that were built by the U.S. to fight in WWII? Eventually they were scrapped, of course, but how did that work? Here’s a deep dive into the process. Directly after the war it was a profitable business, but as the numbers dwindled and the dangers of asbestos and PCBs were fully understood, it became a losing proposition and harder to do safely.
- The Cornbinder Connection is a magazine dedicated to IH trucks and nothing else. I’ve seen their booth at Nats for the last couple of years and for some reason I’ve never bothered to subscribe. If Santa needs a gift idea for me, this would be a good one.
- is a chatbot that The Teens have been using (including ours) and, alarmingly, it’s going rogue and convincing them to self-harm, among other things. The people behind the bot have now introduced a new model specifically for teens which is supposed to guide away from these interactions, and they’re planning on rolling out parental controls next year. But, as with anything else, it’s still a simple matter to defeat the age verification requirements, which means this teen model will be useless. Maybe they should just make a single model and make it safer and better? And why weren’t these controls in place before they originally released the bot?
- Smoking is still a thing in Europe. We have all but abolished it in the Mid-Atlantic region of the US; in Europe it’s still acceptable to sit outside and light up a heater next to a family of four eating dinner.
- Beer and wine are available in highway rest stops.
- Highway rest stops in general, actually—they are tidy, well-stocked, the food is decent, the service is friendly, the bathrooms are clean, and they are well-organized. Portugal, you win this one.
- Prosciutto, all the time. What the fuck is wrong with America? Prosciutto is amazing, and it’s available everywhere in Portugal. It’s the foundation of a lightweight sandwich (the Iberico) which washes down great with a Fanta or a lager and doesn’t make you feel gross for eating half a deli counter.
- The Pastel De Nata is a lovely custard-filled tart you can get almost anywhere for ~1€. It’s not quite the pastry of heaven we were promised, but it’s pretty fucking good with a cappuccino on an empty stomach.
- The Ovos Moles, however, were kind of gross. The custard is more egg yolk than anything else, and it’s sealed in a thin crust made of unleavened Catholic host. We tried these at two different bakeries in their town of origin and were not impressed.
- Hill braking. Our Peugeot 308 is a manual and was very fun to drive, but some of the grades in Portuguese hill country were 10˚ or steeper. Having a hill brake (in neutral, letting off the brake facing up an incline, the car holds your position until you’ve engaged the clutch fully) was a godsend, or I would have smoked that transmission on the first day in Lisbon.
- The Mediterranean. We were able to see it from the southern route we took back to Porto, but it wasn’t ever close enough to warrant a detour just to say we’d dipped our toes in it. Very beautiful to see.
- Cafe culture. I wanted to stop at every cafe in Porto, Lisbon, Sintra, and Seville just to sit and have a coffee or a drink. What a lovely way to live life (apart from the smoking).
- Red Bull. So I’ve avoided Red Bull since the 90’s when it came on the scene; I tried one or two at that point and just switched back to coffee, the taste of which I enjoyed more anyway. Now that I’m Middle Aged the diuretic effects of coffee hit me a lot harder, and after a bunch of my plumbing got modified during surgery it doesn’t leave me with a lot of time for an escape plan. Facing a 250km drive in the warm Iberian sun while still slightly jet lagged, I needed something to keep me awake that wasn’t going to have me shitting in a bush beside a Portuguese highway. Red Bull did the trick, and I was able to sleep each night when we got to our destination. Still tastes like Hawaiian Punch, though.
- Espresso after dinner, at least for Bill, is a Bad Idea. We had an incredible seafood dinner Tuesday evening on the east side of town which I finished off with a tiny cup of the local rocket fuel. Laying in bed when we got back to the apartment, I passed out at 12 until about 4, and then woke up wide-eyed, trying to fight off intrusive thoughts about developments in US politics. I didn’t return to sleep, choosing to watch YouTube videos until the sun came up. Now I’m high on two cups of coffee and a Sudafed because if I nap at any point today I won’t sleep tonight. And strangely this did not have the expected effect on my bottom system. My middle-aged chassis remains a mystery.
- eSim cards. We’ve had mixed results with these, which are basically apps that can be downloaded to use European cell carriers instead of racking up expensive roaming fees through our US-based carriers; on the whole it’s been great to be able to access maps, ticketing apps, and websites from our phones. In practice we’ve found it hard to get reliable service from them. Mine will work and then Jen’s won’t; two hours later it’s the opposite. They will claim we are connected but they aren’t, or we just don’t get cell coverage in certain areas. And Finn’s phone is apparently not compatible with them at all (see: expensive roaming fees).
- European hillside houses. I am fascinated with the architecture and construction of houses built into hillsides and on top of cliffs and next to windy streets; Portugal is lousy with them. I feel some connection with my grandfather, a mason, when I look at these magical buildings and wonder how they were built and who designed that cool stairway and where does that little door go? I spend a lot of time wondering who the people were that lived in these places and what their lives were like.
- Parking in Portugal has been challenging. There are machines which take Euros, and there are apps you can use without leaving your car. Some of the apps work in certain cities and some don’t. Some require a European bank account, 24 hours to transfer money, and a signup process longer than a US tax return. This is not helpful when your ticket to a local museum is scheduled for the next 20 minutes (and the Europeans are strict about admittance times). Some require a premade account not offered through the app. And some—like the one I’m using to park outside our apartment—have a very fluid definition of timespan. Hopefully I will not be bankrupted by hidden parking fees when we return home.
- Scooter culture. I would love to have a Vespa or Lambretta to pop into town for fresh bread and vegetables, or to go pick up dinner. It would make a lot more sense to only have a scooter here in Europe, as gas is extremely expensive—almost a dollar more per liter. They are, predictably, cheaper to buy here, but I’d have to pay to ship one to the states. So it washes out, I guess.
- The rambly vibe of Portuguese cities. There seem to be neighborhoods like there are in US-based cities, but things are a lot more spread out here—in the US there are clusters of restaurants or shops clumped together like islands in a vast ocean, where in Portugal you can find a bar, restaurant, shop or pharmacy on almost every block. The sense of city as community is strong here—it’s the exact opposite of the US. I can see why Europeans who live in the States might feel isolated and lonely almost immediately.
- There are also a lot of empty storefronts (at least in the area we’re staying) where sometimes it looks like things shut down last week and sometimes it looks like it closed in 1762. Hard to say what the reasons for that might be.
- Good shoes. I was told we Americans would be easy to spot because of our brightly colored shoes, but truthfully I think we’re pretty average. I bought a new pair of light Nikes before we left and they have been perfect for climbing steep, slippery cobblestone alleyways, even if my heart and my knees aren’t up to the challenge.
- Exercise. On that note, I’m woefully out of shape. Time to get serious when we return home.
- Because I have decided to only carry a cellphone as a camera, I have shamelessly embraced the family selfie. I am not, however, wandering the city behind a selfie stick or gimbal mount, as I have seen repeatedly this past week. It feels weird and wrong not to have a specialized camera (apart from the 35mm film camera I’m carrying) so I’m spending more time focusing on being in the place and less time trying to compose shots of the place. I feel that this is progress. I also feel like one of my arms has been chopped off.
- I’m becoming more and more aware of my mood in relation to my stomach; there have been several times on this trip when my blood sugar is low and I’m struggling to keep my wits about me on a dangerously empty stomach. This is aggravated by the fact that we’re 6 hours ahead of our normal schedule. We have joked several times on this trip that Finley travels on sugar, but I need to stay on top of my hangry better.
- BMW drivers in Europe are the same entitled, inflamed assholes they are in America. Turn signals are optional, and they will drive right up your butt until you get out of their way. Nice to see some things are universal.
- The Portuguese, with the exception of ticket attendants at the major tourist spots, are all the most lovely, patient, understanding, and friendly people. Which is a blessing, given the challenges your correspondent has with communication.
- I really need to learn, or at least, do some basic studying on a Romance language to beef up my skills. I hate being a stupid American.
- The weather, apart from rain and fog at the most scenic of our destinations, and one day of heat in our second week, has been glorious. It’s been around ~72˚ and sunny for most of our stay, and we missed the heatwave that sat on Seville by one day, making our tour of the Alcázar a pleasant one.
Xyla Foxlin is a creator with a YouTube channel that I’ve followed for a while, and she just posted something that resonated with me—a list of the top 10 things she’s learned as an engineer, maker, creator, and human being.
The ones that really hit for me:
1. The longer you make stuff the easier it gets — mostly because you collect knowledge and tools.
I’ve been working with tools for most of my life, to the point where it’s just second nature, and it’s only been in the past ten years or so that I can afford high-dollar specialty equipment for jobs I do constantly. But there isn’t much I wouldn’t tackle—within reason.
3. Trust in yourself to figure it out. Developing the confidence to problem-solve as you take things on is invaluable.
For me, that confidence bore itself out when I took on the Travelall project, specifically the cowl vent replacement, because I had no backup plan. But believing in myself was key to going as far as I did and being able to bring it to completion. And that problem-solving is the most gratifying part of the whole process.
5. Everything is fixable.
I’m still working on this one, but my additional wisdom is: when you know something is broken or came out wrong, step back. Take an hour or a day, and have a think about it. Often I find that my first solution for fixing things isn’t the best one, and I need time and distance to come up with a better plan.
6. Build a community of friends who have knowledge and tools.
I’d say the corollary here is to then develop into the person who has the knowledge and tools. I’ve got truck friends who I would drop everything for to help, because they’ve been my mentors for more than just dumb truck stuff. One of the sayings around the antique car world is that we have to get young kids interested in our hobby to keep it from dying out; truer words have never been spoken.
7. Invest in personal protection gear that is comfortable and safe.
I did this with safety glasses and I now need to upgrade my dust mask situation.
10. Skill takes practice. Don’t compare yourself to the people you see online; just get out there and do it, and learn from your mistakes.
So I got some stuff done this weekend. The weather has been brutally cold so I’m not that interested in spending time outside, but I did venture out there for some tasks. In rough order:
- Went out for brunch at a place we’ve never been to: Kimchi fries and bulgogi on my huevos rancheros. I don’t think any of us ate again until dinner.
- Reorganized the basement shelving (consolidated old brewing equipment, moved similar items together, swept under old shelves, generally straightened up). It’s amazing how soothing I found this.
- Punted on dinner and ordered Indian food from down the street. This restaurant is on its 17th grand re-opening, so the food was OK—but definitely better than trying to cook something ourselves.
- Enjoyed both Saturday playoff games, which were entertaining. The girls actually sat on the couch with me for most of Packers/49ers, which was fun!
- Installed a replacement steam radiator valve, replacing the replacement which did not work for shit (it basically let the radiator get as hot as possible, which made the bedroom uninhabitable). Verdict: the new one is working extremely well. I will have to buy six more of these.
- Bundled up the dog and myself for a coffee walk Sunday morning. She looks dapper in her Christmas sweater! we did a short walk because I put on one layer too many and was overheating quickly. (Jen got me a proper set of thermal leggings for Christmas, and with those, smartwool socks, and an UnderArmour ColdGear shirt, I was sweating).
- Bundled up and headed out to the garage to finish welding in a third patch on the spare fender and ground it down to (mostly) smooth metal. It’s going to take some filler to clean up. I bought a surplus flight suit from eBay a while back which is doing an excellent job of keeping warmth in and hot metal shavings out.
- Learned that spark plug holes in cast iron US engine blocks designed in the 1960’s are tapped metric. I would have bet my house this was not the case.
- Dug out the garage doors and ran up the Scout. She was happy.
- Scraped and shoveled the front walk again for the elementary kids tomorrow morning.
- Posted a new set of designs to Threadless, made some money!
- Realized I’d never moved any of my font collection over to the new laptop(!?); rectified that situation quickly.
- The entire family slept in until about 8:30, the hound included. Sweet sleepy bliss.
- Jen and I took Hazel for a 2-mile coffee walk in the sunshine for breakfast. She turned to me behind the coffee shop and kissed me, eyes twinkling in the sunlight. That was probably the best part of a great day. And Hazel didn’t drag too much.
- We got the truck out and drove into Ellicott City for a rental ladder and some supplies. I shot a selfie.
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- At home, I put the ladder up and finally cut in the new wall paint in the stairwell. Then I scraped and mudded some cracks in the corner, let that dry, and rolled ceiling paint everywhere I could reach on the ladder.
- On my way back from returning the ladder, a beautiful blue FJ40 Land Cruiser pulled in behind me and waved. He followed me down Main Street in Ellicott City where we got more than a few smiles and thumbs-up.
- I heated up the smoker and cooked 2 lbs. of salmon for dinner. The recipe was a bit sweet and spicy for our tastes, so I’ve got to find another that gives us more smoke up front. But it was easy, and fast.
- We spent 45 minutes on a FaceTime call with our niece and nephew, enjoying their conversation and seeing a lot of their tonsils.
- I finished off the last of Jen’s homemade Key Lime Pie ice cream, which was delicious.
I finally got around to updating the idiotking post count in an interactive visualization instead of a flat graphic. I’m going to see if I can find a way to overlay the category counts next.
I’ve been working on some sketching projects at work which required me to lower my desk chair, bust out the pencils, and get close to the drawings I was making. After a short while working without glasses, I put my progressive safety glasses on and used those to switch back and forth between the drawings and my computer monitor. Those glasses work OK, but I look like a total dork if I have to take a call wearing them.
Warby Parker made me new progressives and shipped them on February 22nd by USPS. When I check on it with their tracking service, it arrived at the Baltimore sorting station three days later and hasn’t moved since. No updates, no movement, no nothing. USPS offers an “extended tracking service” which I’m sure would provide me absolutely zero further detail; I’m going to call Warby Parker on Monday and see if there’s anything they can do—but I’m not holding my breath.
Meanwhile, a friend recommended me to her client for a quick linework illustration job that I knocked out in a couple of hours this afternoon. I like making extra money on the side.
I made a list of projects to tackle around the house this year in my notebook the other night before I went to bed, mainly as an excuse to collect them all and quell anxiety:
- New basement windows. I’ve been back and forth with my rep this week waiting for her to get the quote correct, but when that comes in I’ll sign off and get it paid for. I’m told it’ll be 4-6 weeks for delivery, just in time for some warmer weather.
- Find a fixed basement window with a dryer vent. I really don’t want to close off the window over the washing machine with glass block, but we may have no choice.
- Basement step rebuild. The concrete pad right outside our basement door has been tilted toward the house since we moved in, allowing for rainwater to spill over the edge of the stairwell and flood our basement doorwell. This pad needs to be broken up and removed, and the yard regraded away from the house. I’m going to mix a couple of bags of concrete and pour a higher threshold for the stairwell while I’m at it.
- Bust out the concrete walkway out back. Running over the walkway with an eight ton boom lift broke it up into lots of portable chunks, so it should be easy to lift and haul away.
- Clean up the treeline behind the greenhouse. This is a Sisyphean task that never seems to amount to much, but it’s got to get done. I think I need to nuke it all with Round-Up and then take the mattock to the earth. Or maybe rent a tiller…
- Repair and paint the garage. It’s never been painted since we’ve lived here, and the front “doors” make it look like we’re cooking meth inside. I’m going to pull the front off, reinforce the doorframes, and build new doors that look and work better. Then the whole thing will get sprayed to match the house.
- Pressure wash and paint both rear porches. This didn’t get done with the rest of the house last spring; both of them need a freshening up.
- Finish scraping the outside windows. There are a couple at ground level that need some attention, but everything on the second floor got painted properly with the boom lift.
- Polish the headlights on both Hondas. I did this for the CR-V three years ago and it made a huge difference, but the plastic has broken down again and fogged over. Time to buy another kit and have at it.
I’ve been leaning heavily on podcasts to get me through the quarantine; they make some kinds of work easy (design or coding, walking the dog solo, organizing the basement) a lot more manageable. I’m super picky about my podcasts, because there can be subject matter I’m completely interested in presented by hosts I can’t stand—either due to their voices or their patter. Car Talk, the venerated NPR show that was ostensibly about fixing cars but was really about two annoying men with shrill voices laughing at their own jokes, drove me nuts. There are many podcasts that do the same thing. Here are a couple of new ones I’ve been enjoying this year:
20 Macs for 2020
A deep dive geek-out on Macintosh hardware, this is sort of a retrospective of Computers I’ve Owned; I can claim 8 of the 20 models listed so far. Hosted by Jason Snell, a longtime writer and editor of MacWorld, back when it was a magazine I subscribed to, it features a deep dive into the creation and design of each machine, and features contributions from other eminent figures in the Apple sphere.
60 Songs that Explain the ’90’s (only available on Spotify)
This is a relatively new one on the list, but something I’ve also been enjoying for the nostalgia’s sake: Rob Harvilla goes through a wide variety of songs to tease out what they meant to us during the time they were popular, and what they mean to us now. His format is a little strange, and he’s a bit snarky but overall it’s a good listen.
The Big Picture
This is a movie podcast that covers current releases and the industry in general; the Ringer’s footprint is big enough now that they can get A-level guests to join them for segments, which is a bonus: they’ve had Steve McQueen, Steven Soderbergh and Richard Linklater on in just the past couple of months.
Dead Eyes
I was dubious about this one at first but fell in love about 10 minutes in. The conceit is that the host was fired from the cast of Saving Private Ryan 20 years ago and just wants to know why it happened. Along the way he’s joined by some of the production staff and former cast members—Ron Livingston and Seth Rogen (who was not in the movie) are as awesome as I would hope they are, and another bit player talks about his experience on set and how it affected him afterwards. I burned through all of these last weekend building shelves in the basement.
Film Sack
Another podcast reviewing old movies, this has been a go-to for years. For all the reasons I didn’t like Car Talk, you may not like this one, but I genuinely enjoy the banter the four hosts enjoy. They’re all roughly my age and they like the movies I do—although their inability to appreciate the genius of The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension led me to near homicidal rage. This was one of the podcasts that got me through weeks in the hospital and the low points of chemotherapy.
Lost Notes: 1980
Another music podcast. The host, Hanif Abdurraqib, dives into music made in one important year, featuring artists like Joy Division, the Sugarhill Gang, Grace Jones, and Minnie Riperton. The episode on Darby Crash and John Lennon was fascinating. I hope he does more.
The Rewatchables
Yes, another movie podcast. The concept here is that these are all movies that are made to be watched multiple times—with the understanding that the hosts picking the movies are white males, aged 40-50, from the east coast. They started out with Michael Mann’s Heat, one of my favorite movies, and they’ve rarely picked a dud.
Rivals: Music’s Greatest Feuds
This one is less about the music and more about the people behind the music, which is what makes it so fun: the hosts research the people involved and find out what happened and why they hate each other so much. Each episode goes on for about 20 minutes too long, in my opinion. I tend to cut it off around the same time every episode when it gets repetitive, but the bulk of it is good stuff.
The Smithsonian Institution has more stuff in storage than they can ever hope to display, and this podcast talks about that stuff (you get to go in the side door of the museum on a private tour). Their episodes on the Worst Video Game, Outer Space and Underwear, and Apollo 12’s Really Close Call stood out to me—but there’s a ton more to get into.
Slow Burn, Season Four: David Duke
This one has been fucking riveting. I was only dimly aware of David Duke when he ascended to power in Louisiana, but this podcast shows how his blueprint for success in 1991 should have predicted the Great Pumpkin’s success in 2016. The same playbook, the same coded messages, the same blatant use of the office for personal grift, the same indifference or outright cowardice from the Republican Party and the general public: silence equals consent. Also highly recommended: the other three seasons (Clinton, Nixon, and Biggie & Tupac).
You’re Wrong About
This is a relatively new one for me. It reexamines stories and historical events to see if what we’ve all agreed upon as the truth is, in fact, true. They’ve done a lot of deep dives on Princess Diana but have also looked at O.J. Simpson, the Ford Pinto, and the D.C. Snipers. I’m getting into it more and more as I listen.
I haven’t really had much to write about around here other than small updates on lots of little projects.
- I’ve been working nonstop this week on a report at work that will be released both as a print and digital product; the process demands a completely new workflow which has been an uphill climb to learn and a series of trial-and-error attempts to get things right. When it’s done it will be an exciting launch, but it’s taken a lot of late nights to get this far.
- We’re still waiting on grout for the kitchen tile. I bought some “white” grout at the Home Depot and tried it on a test sample, and it dried more gray than white. There’s another color, called “avalanche” which looks whiter than white that I’d like to try next.
- I cleaned out the greenhouse last weekend, pulling all of the rest of the tomato plants out and consolidating the tubs. All of the yard furniture went inside with the last rain barrel, and I reinstalled the panel on the back wall. I’m sad to see it all buttoned up for the winter, but I’m already thinking ahead to next spring.
- Walking the dog last week, I passed by a house that’s been on the market for several weeks and noticed the owners were moving a bunch of stuff out to the curb under giant FREE signs. Always interested in FREE stuff, I bypassed a charcoal grill, several shelves, old office chairs, water jugs and other assorted stuff and focused in on a Dewalt tool case containing a corded drill in excellent shape; I then juggled that, my coffee, and the dog all the way home. I headed back in the Scout to see if I could score one of the shelves to use in the greenhouse. While I was loading that into the truck, the owner asked me if I was interested in a ladder. Sure, I said, immediately thinking of Glenn, who could use a ladder of his own. He showed me to a 20′ aluminum ladder in excellent shape, so I threw it in the truck and texted Glenn. He’d borrowed one of my ladders to pull his shutters off before having their house painted, so we swapped ladders later that day. I’m always looking out for stuff like that, and when I can find things for family, it’s that much better.
- We had an electrician come in and hook up the heater in the new bathroom, after a year of waiting in vain for my neighbor to come back over and finish it. That job went pretty quickly and as a result I had him come back out to put a switch and mount in for a ceiling fan in on the porch. He was smart and jumped a wire from the lighted doctor sign on the front of the house; it took a little longer than he was expecting but it’s all ready for a fan we haven’t bought yet. I’ve got a bunch of patching I need to do on the drywall out there because he had to cut a hole around the switch and up at the top of the wall to get through the sill plate.
- After several months of back-and-forth with Warby Parker, I’ve got new glasses on the way. I was trying to avoid going for an eye exam in person to avoid COVID, and they have an app that roughly tests for prescription changes that I tried, but I was told—after the test—that it didn’t apply to my prescription. After the in-person test I was told two things I already knew: my distance prescription hasn’t changed, and that I need readers. They made the case for a set of bifocals but I think I’m going to just find a cheap pair of readers at Target for now.
Some things I got done this weekend, in no particular order:
- Mowed the lawn myself for the first time all summer: our lawn guy comes intermittently toward the end of summer when he’s gearing up on his fall landscaping work, and the yard was looking shaggy. It was satisfying but I’m happy to do it only twice a year.
- Attempted to get the gas weedwhacker running reliably; and gave up in disgust. Fuck it. I took some pictures and posted the damn thing to Craigslist.
- Posted my unused brew kettle to Craigslist.
- Used the electric weedwhacker to work on the back half of the yard, around the woodpile and behind the greenhouse, which had become overrun with vegetation. Cut back giant bushes behind the woodpile and lots of tall weeds around the property line.
- Climbed the telephone pole by the driveway and disconnected one of two stabilizing wires which had been uprooted by the driveway crew and was hanging loose. Also cut a random telephone wire that was hanging loose and looped around the fence.
- Powerwashed the front stairs, three motel chairs, and two rain barrels to get them ready for storage.
- Bought the girls our first Pumpkin Spice Lattes of the 2020 season.
- Reorganized the garage, again, to fit more of the shit in there comfortably.
- Cut a set of 3/4″ plywood baffles for the back two basement windows from scrap wood and prepped them for quick installation. I’ve still got to do the two side windows and make something for the basement door. When the End Times come, I’d like to be prepared.
- Reinstalled the printer software on Finn’s Chromebook, Jen’s MacBook, my work MacBook and my work tower so that we don’t have to continuously turn the printer on and off in order to get it to fucking print something. Worst $100 I’ve ever spent on computer hardware.
- Repackaged the Anker sound buds I bought last week and set them up for a return to Amazon. I now have two choices: I can buy a pricy set of AirPods Pro, or I can buy a second set of the original Anker sound buds I had originally, which worked fine on their own, but did not work for taking phone calls.
Not much to report on about the weekend. I can bullet some of them out.
- We found a new place for weekend breakfast, neither closer or cheaper, but definitely tastier, in Ellicott City. Three sandwiches and three fancy warm drinks totaled out to a little under $30, but damn, a sausage cheese and egg sandwich between two waffles was the fucking bomb.
- Finn and I drove the Scout down there, after two weeks of slumber in the garage, and she ran great. But it was cold. It’s definitely time to get the hardtop back on her.
- My back could not take any more days on the couch, so Hazel and I moved upstairs to the futon on Friday night. She was relaxed enough to go right to sleep, but any stirring of leaves or wind through branches outside had her awake, hackles up, staring out the window. Several times she started barking, and I had to talk her back to sleep. Saturday night I closed the blinds and she didn’t hear anything or move for the whole night.
- Sleeping with Hazel is like sleeping with Finley at age 4: she’s all elbows and knees, and she puts off more heat than a wood-burning stove.
- Jen took a well-deserved mental health afternoon on Saturday, and Finn was invited to a friend’s house for a sleepover that evening. Jen and I were so beat that evening, we got a pizza, poured some drinks and watched a movie. It’s the first time we’ve done that in about five years.
- I got a little woodworking done in the bathroom on Sunday, but my time was limited. Progress was limited mostly to a coat of paint on the dining room windowframe, some woodwork painted in the bathroom, and a new stool cut for the front windows up there.
- I drive to Parkville at 6:30 to buy a vintage Sears bandsaw from a strange dude off of Craigslist. He lived in a little house with his Mom which was CRAMMED with stuff in neat piles all the way through the house. He took me to the basement and I had visions of ending up as a flesh raincoat, but the saw was good and the deal was done. The wall next to the linen closet is not straight, and there’s a piece of wood that sets in between the closet and the wall. Once I’ve scribed the wall’s curves onto the wood, I can use the bandsaw to cut that much cleaner than if I did it with a jigsaw.