For future reference: Yahoo offers courses on Javascript from their leading JS programmer. I haven’t seen these yet, but the reviews look good.
Gotcha! (Gotcher $1,000 too, suckers!)
Oh, jeebus, does this article on icon design ring true. I’ve spent more time than I care to explaining the reasons it takes more work than just creating one icon and sizing it down: usually this is when I’ve got the smallest size of the icon on the screen and I’m cleaning it up pixel by pixel.
The Disease of Design. I am ashamed to admit I suffer from this affliction. (The link made me snort my coffee through my nose.)
Here’s a Flickr set of vintage travel labels-I’d guess prewar. Beautiful stuff. There are tons of them here, too. (via)
History of the Canon BX Print Engine, for all those folks out there still rocking a Xante B/W Accel-A-Writer. Related: a do-it-yourself Apple LaserWriter 630 exit jam repair kit.
Here’s a link to a series of vintage (post WW2) pictures from speed trials at the Bonneville Salt Flats. There is something absolutely classic, timeless, and beautiful about the design of cars towards the end of the entry.
Here’s a list of Firefox 2.0 tweaks. I have yet to update, personally, but it’s going to be soon.
Powers, a very good comic book, is available online. One page is posted daily. Check it out…
Here’s a handy intro to CSS for mobile devices. I’m thinking more and more about how my sites look in alternate browsers, and this is one place I need to focus on.