Here’s an interesting question that popped up on Ask Metafilter a couple of days ago: Who owns the rights if you’re a freelance designer/artist, and what is common? The responses to the question that were posted before me were excellent, so I decided to offer my own experience in a similar situation.

Date posted: October 16, 2007 | Filed under design, shortlinks | Comments Off on Copyright Questions

Right on the heels of my gadget diatribe yesterday comes this: the Leatherman Skeletool, a $75 work of art that weighs in at 5 oz., perfect for carrying in a bag or pocket. I can testify to how important weight is, because I’ve got an original Leatherman and it weighs about 50 lbs., although I’d never give it up.

Date posted: September 7, 2007 | Filed under design, shortlinks | Comments Off on Leatherman Skeletool

The “blog” of “unnecessary quotation marks“. I find this subject “annoying” and “irritating”, so I’m happy that someone decided to “enlighten the rest of us”. (via)

Date posted: September 6, 2007 | Filed under design, shortlinks | Comments Off on Unnecessary Quotation Marks

I saw this news item show up on another message board a few days ago, but it seems like everyone suddenly found it yesterday: The Orbitron, a long-lost Ed Roth custom one-off, was located recently, abandoned outside an adult bookstore in Mexico, after a stint at a carnival. Lord knows how it made its way down there, or where the hood and bubble have gone, but the new owner claims he’s going to restore it.

Date posted: August 30, 2007 | Filed under design, shortlinks | Comments Off on Orbitron

Wow-Imagine my surprise when my favorite geek/wierd stuff/political/epherma blog Boing Boing looked strangely different this morning. It’s a nice change from the decidedly lo-fi preceding version, and it reads a lot better now, but I don’t like the idea of splitting the gadgets off into their own section–one of the things I liked most about the original was the anything-goes smorgasboard of stuff each day. Progress, I suppose…

Date posted: August 28, 2007 | Filed under design, shortlinks | Comments Off on Boing Boing redesign

This is an O’Reilly book about Designing Interfaces, with a pretty detailed companion website. I’m going to have to go to a store and lay hands on the actual book, because most of the online information is nothing new.

Date posted: August 27, 2007 | Filed under design, shortlinks | Comments Off on Designing Interfaces

All the glyphs on OS X in three handy PDF sheets. Beats hunting and pecking for the € symbol. (via)

Date posted: August 23, 2007 | Filed under design, shortlinks | Comments Off on Glyph reference for OS X

!!! Holy CRAP, I want to buy this place and live in it! (via)
update: I had no idea these were in Waldorf! Apparently, though, the gubmint wants someone to come and tear them down.

Date posted: July 26, 2007 | Filed under design, flickr, shortlinks, travel | Comments Off on Abandoned Places

70 Expert ideas for better CSS coding. There are some good nuggets in here—this is an area where there is no real ‘best practices’ document out there. It’s about as freeform as one can get, and something many clients don’t understand when they see a proposal.

Date posted: May 22, 2007 | Filed under design, shortlinks | Comments Off on 70 CSS expert ideas

Here’s an article on Css form styling, which contains a lot of info I didn’t know (or have forgotten.) (via)

Date posted: May 17, 2007 | Filed under design, shortlinks | Comments Off on Better CSS form styling