In Praise Of Slow Design.
Beautifully written article on the good judgement not to redesign something for redesign’s sake. In light of several recent, surprising redesigns, a timely and challenging notion.
CMS Roundup.
From macintouch. I also found this handy comparison site.
Hey, that’s pretty sweet. (via)
Letterpress Resources.
There is nothing more wonderful than letterpress printing, besides fresh chocolate chip cookies. I don’t know why it took me so long to find this. (via)
Ajax In Action.
Slashdot seemed to like this book. I’d like to see what the whole thing is about.
Nokia 770 internet Tablet.
I wonder how the Web looks on one of these? It’s priced at $359.
Google Analytics.
Interesting. I’m going to give it a try.
US Patent & Trademark Office
Great information on trademarks, including links to an online trademark search.
Set Phasers On Stun.
And Other True Tales of Design, Technology, and Human Error. (via)