Oh, HELL yes. The Amazing Screw-On Head, brought to you by Mike Mignola, creator of Hellboy. It looks as it should—like his actual comics do, and the humor and feel of the comics translate perfectly. Check it out.
These ads distill what Legos are all about. Brilliant advertising, and not at all about movie tie-ins, which seems to be the current Lego strategy.
I got a link to How to Ruin a Web Design from a client late this afternoon, and it made me guffaw, especially since they name-checked a similar article that our friend Shelly sent us this morning.
How to do Polaroid transfers, for anyone who’s still got one in the closet (and $10 for a pack of film.) (via)
Here’s a short primer on how to optimize CSS for HTML email. Lots of good tips.
Fun with forms (and CSS). Some nice hints and tips, for what is one of the more annoying parts of web design.
The story behind the RAZR. The one thing they never mention in these articles is that the successful team has the buy-in of one top executive, who has enough juice (and cojones) to shelter them enough to get their job done.
According to Technorati, only 55% of bloggers post after 3 months of existence. Huh. I’ve been doing this since 2001, give or take a month or two. I do agree with the point about quality vs. quantity, but I also have to admit this blog’s purpose is as much to unclutter my brain as it is for anybody else to read. (ups to Mike)
Huh. I just noticed the search template here on Idiotking was completely hosed. It’s fixed now. Sheesh, you’d think I did this for a living or something.
This whole thing is cribbed from Kottke, but it’s too good not to pass along. To wit: “The result is that $2.25 million worth of work goes uncompensated because of one company’s disrespectful solicitation.” Also read this Michael Beirut article. My opinion: Spec work is bullshit. And my few experiences with it has always left me holding the bag.