I’ve been doing a ton of video editing over the last year and a half, and one of the sad truths I’ve come to realize is that my year-old MacBook Air (M2/8GB/500GB) is just not fast enough to work with the files I’ve been generating. Final Cut Pro tends to slow to a crawl when encoding or rendering large previews, and I like to work fast. For the past few months I’ve been considering buying a faster newer laptop and selling this one (or giving it to Finn to use for school) but Apple just released their new Mac Minis yesterday, and I like what I see in terms of specs and price. For ~600 I could get a M4/16GB/256 Mini, which would easily outrun this laptop for half the cost of a new one. I work from an external drive so I’m not worried about space; I just need inexpensive horsepower and I don’t mind having something small on the desk to do the job. Filing this away for future reference…