We took Finley out to get a long-overdue haircut on Saturday, which makes a huge difference. I really prefer her with a bob. It suits her face, and her hair looks healthy again. More importantly, I think she likes it as much as we do.
After the haircut we drove down to the LP City to go to pick up Jen’s father and take him to the Hollywood VFW Spring Dinner, featuring St. Mary’s stuffed ham, fried oysters, beans, and potatoes. It’s been a few years since we’ve been down there, and even more since we’ve been to the Hollywood dinner, but it was worth every delicious bite. I think Jen and I emptied one entire heating tray of oysters on our own.
I haven’t set a date to go up and begin cleaning out my parents’ basement yet, but I did find that LensRentals is offering all of the gear I’d need to properly digitize the family slides: the 40mm macro lens, slide digitizing kit, and a Nikon D500 would all be $288 for a 7 day rental as opposed to buying the digitizing kit for $150 and renting the rest. The D500 is seven years newer and has a higher resolution (if I wanted to be anal I’d go with a full-frame body, but whatever) which should be enough to get us the results we want.