I took a chance last weekend and ordered a used Airport Extreme base station to replace the one that got fried in the flood/storm a few weeks ago. I bought it on Amazon’s marketplace and hoped for the best. It arrived this evening and within about 5 minutes it was up and running in place of the old one in our living room. Immediately I noticed an improvement in the speed of our wireless network; the wireless router in the basement is just too old and slow to keep up with us. This will likely be the last inexpensive Apple router I ever buy, as they have just exited the marketplace completely (for reasons I still don’t understand).

I’ve got a few more tomatoes blooming in the greenhouse, but not as many as I’d like to see at this point (and for all the pollinating I’ve been doing). I’m sure bees do it better but I’ve been showing those plants some sexxxxy times and I’ve only got fruit on three of the six plants. Maybe I need to talk dirty to them. The cukes are just beginning to bloom as well, so in another day or so I can start pollinating them as well. In the meantime I dug out some old drip hose, switched out the connectors, and looped it around the bins. With a new electric timer it’s set to drip for 30 minutes every morning at 6AM which should be enough water to keep them happy while we’re gone on vacation. I’m testing it out tonight, and then I’ll disconnect it until the day before we leave–both rain barrels are full from the past couple of weeks and I want to keep using that water until it’s gone.

Sunday morning we got up early and headed out to Larriland for some cherry picking. We started in the tart cherry fields because Jen has a lot of baking she wants to do; the trees were absolutely laden with fruit. I’ve never seen cherry trees like that before. Within about a half an hour we had 14 pounds of cherries in two bags. Then we went and picked another 4 pounds of sweet cherries before calling it a day. We’d originally wanted to pick blackberries but the fields were closed Sunday, so hopefully Jen can carve a little time out during the week to go back.

We kicked our asses on the house in the afternoon. I mowed the lawn and then made a small repair to the carb on my gas edger, which I haven’t used for two seasons, and got that running again. Thank you internets! With that I cleaned up the backyard, cut way back into the pile of brush my dipshit neighbor has stopped mowing, and made the whole place look better again. We made a trip to Lowe’s and I bought some wood to replace a panel on the front of the garage, which has been rotting away for years, as well as replace the bench seat under Finn’s playset. Jen continued mulching and cleaning the beds, and then sat and pitted cherries until she couldn’t move her hands anymore.

Date posted: June 25, 2018 | Filed under garden, greenhouse, house | Leave a Comment »

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